Daily Anime Marathon Club!

Marathon #2 - Show #8
(By XMrNiceguyX)

A little bird told me that there was a need, NAY, necessity to return to the roots we have sprouted in Marathon #1. Indeed, we are in dire need of a Slice of Life series with Androids, so that's exactly what's happening today. Strap yourself in, we're in for a ride (no x2 or x4 allowed for this one :flip:) :troll::troll:

I regret nothing

Groupwatch in an hour, which I might or might not join. The romance tag of this making me antsy due to some recent personal issues, which might make me want to watch this in a couple of days, when the storm has settled. :sweat:

Seems saiyamar's resurrection was for only a short term, unless a post happened I missed while writing this :crying::crying:
Sigh, I can't keep up my really quick streak, i was hoping for a shorter series but I'll watch it in the morning.

I just haven't got time tonight...urgh but I'll have my reviews done by tomorrow
Even Niceguy might not be here for his crappy ass pick. Him and his android fetish...

It's so bad not even Yui can keep her streak of watching it way before everybody else, making us all look lazy and incompetent.
Life gets in the way XD Also I'm really tired tonight, might go to bed early....
I'll try and be back into my speed streak tomorrow
Yeah. Sorry guys. I flopped big time. Damn it. It really just isn't my month for watching anime. :crying:

I may haunt you on occasion.
So I got bored of trying the sleep so I watched it
HAL 6/10
The animation was nice but something just felt weird for me

I had some real problems with this, not only was it dull but the twist was predictable and shit, and the subplot with the friends really had no real context in the story other than as a catalyst for said shitty twist.

However, I liked the traditional shoujo art style,and the retro designs on some of the support characters, and it's far from the worst thing I've seen. 2/5
Hal - 8/10

I really liked the twist at the end and before then it was a nice film anyway.
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I'm a sucker for Android Slice of Life

A seriously huge spoiler, you sure you want to read this? :P
I did NOT see that twist coming and that made the starting narrative so much better. Yes, she cannot eat, laugh and cry if she's frigging dead :o

Even though the show did drag on a bit, it was just the thing I needed and liked
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First Squad: Moment of Truth

It was dull at the beginning but it got better in the second part. Though the ending was a bit underwhelming.

Whoo, Russian violence!

There's a lot of people lagging behind this time around though. No warnings to be given out yet (at least, not until next announcement post), but time to shift back into gear and finish them shorts before they all pile up :o At least for now there's still somewhat of a 50/50 spread for long and short shows. This might be different later on though :sweat:
Aki no Kanade 8/10
one of my favorite bands is a Scottish drum band, so an anime about drums makes my ears very happy. My only complaint is that I wanted more.
Whoo, Russian violence!

There's a lot of people lagging behind this time around though. No warnings to be given out yet (at least, not until next announcement post), but time to shift back into gear and finish them shorts before they all pile up :o At least for now there's still somewhat of a 50/50 spread for long and short shows. This might be different later on though :sweat:

Going to wait until later today so I can get another warning on finishing some turd of a show. But that means I watch it today or I'm boned.
Or I watch it for breakfast tomorrow.
Getting boned by a show without boning?! :D I guess I just ruined any anticipation you had left. For what it's worth, there's some hot twins to look forward to in the show :megusta:

Aki no Kanade 8/10
one of my favorite bands is a Scottish drum band, so an anime about drums makes my ears very happy. My only complaint is that I wanted more.

I feel you here absolutely. The show could have easily doubled up on episodes and be that slight bit more satisfying. Still a very decent Anime Mirai short. The 2016 Anime Mirai shorts look a bit disappointing so far though :(