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TheMonsterUnderUrBed Jan 14, 2024

Can't say i really hate him? (slight spoilers btw)

After reading the manga, its clear his objectives in taking the throne is much more complex than its seems.

He's genuinely such a fantastic antagonist, because on one hand, you realllyyy want to hate him for betraying yona and hak's friendship and murdering yona's father (King il)

But than you realise how shitty of a ruler King il truly was - he pretty much ruined the kingdom

So then there is this moral conflict of realising on one hand..

  • Soo-Won is greatly improving the kingdom and is a good king BUTT...
  • He also murdered Yona's father and tossed aside his CLOSEST friends.

The trio (Hak, yona, soo-won) are genuinly so heartbreaking when u realise they all cared for each so much (and even though now hak & yona can't forgive soo-won for his actions, THEY STILL CARE DEEP DOWN WHICH IS EVEN MORE HEARBREAKING BRO 😭)

MsKakashi Sep 4, 2023

At first, I had outright hate for him and wanted him dead, but I began to understand the reasons why he did everything... to avenge his dad and to restore his nation. With that being said, while I do not hate him, he still needs to go. Be strong Yona... because that chemistry towards the end of this drama was crazy.

Gurodoll Jun 11, 2023

He's hot but I can't stand him 

AlexAlfred Apr 11, 2023

He's bad but I still like him slightly for that he is well depicted and very vivid.

It's also understandable. He's just avenging the murder of his father. Drenching in hatred and vengeance for years would distort him like that.