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Peanutallergies Aug 4, 2022

I know many people hate him but I personally like nakano a lot, he acts as a good foil to nagai.

People hate him because he's an average person, he's not smart like nagai or Satou, he's just a kid that wants to be a hero.

(Plus in the manga he does a lot of extra stuff but it wasn't included in the anime)

AnpanmanArmy Jul 16, 2022

The most useless character and lousy too

ajjdnfnkr Jan 28, 2021

Was I the only one who was waiting for him to summon his Black Ghost? Like he was trying so hard to manifest it and did some serious things to get it.

bjeezy Dec 2, 2020

ive never once in my life really ever hated those loud anime characters but congrats to this orange fuck who managed to take my #1

Supervenom Aug 15, 2020

Normally I dont mind side characters being useless and annoying but this guy takes it to a whole nother level