
Aka: Enji TODOROKI, Flame Hero Endeavor

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Cruorem Mar 9, 2021

Not surprised this pillock got a redemption arc considering how quickly this anime turned its tides on Bokugo's attitude towards Midoriya; sweeping his emotional abuse towards Deku under the rug (kill yourself - classic) as well as any social or societal issues that goes beyond a surface level. Then again this bollocks redemption arc creates enough friction between the BNHA fanbase to cause its own fire so I'm happy with the free entertainment it provides. 

jesusdesu Mar 2, 2021

He can die in a hole for killing my baby- touya

Claptrap Feb 25, 2021

ngl, I don't hate him anymore. I don't think I'll ever love him, but interesting things are certainly happening with him in the story these days

lividtanuki Feb 21, 2021

redemption arc this

redemption arc that

last time i checked redemption doesn't make the trauma or (child) abuse go away

sasukeanti Feb 19, 2021

Ok he slapped his kids and wife around but damn genocidal tyrants have literally been redeemed 😭