Zombie Land Saga - Reviews

psycheadelic's avatar
Feb 10, 2020

Personal Opinion: I honestly just started watching this anime because I saw a clip from the show and thought it was absolutely hilarious. Every episode was like getting punched every 5 seconds because of a new joke and you think the jokes would get boring, but they just don't. Like, the slapstick comedy in this anime is a straight 10/10. This show is just one that just keeps giving. I did have some little things I didn't like but I'll discuss that in the section of my review that it pertains to. 

Story: The story itself is super average and doesn't have much to it, but the way the season ends makes it look like there is going to be a season 2 that delves more into the actual plot. This season is more of the introduction to the characters and building a relationship between them, which I honestly liked because it stopped the show from being too much and overwhelming. The individual background stories for the characters were also pretty "ok" but the show makes it work and you can see how it affected their growth as the season progresses. 

Animation: The animation was really good, the art style was great, I enjoyed the character designs, but there was one thing. In the show when they preform/sing the animation changes from 2D animation to a more 3D animation and it's super noticeable and sticks out. I honestly hated it because it killed the mood set, but it only happened when they sing so if you're not there for the "idol" aspect of the anime you can ignore it. 

Sound: The actual background music and sound effects didn't really sick out to me, but that's ok. The voice actors on the other hand were amazing. Each character has a distinct voice and were able to vocally express themselves really well. The songs that the girls sang were pretty "basic" but like I was feeling the beat to them, like I had a good couple of head nods to the music while watching. 

Character: They are prefect. I don't think there is anyone in this show that I didn't like. At first, I didn't like Lily (the blue haired girl), but after her background story and finding out she was an actual kid I was like, "Ok you get the pass on being the high-pitched cute character". I still don't know how I feel about her being so much younger than the other girls but by the end of the show I liked her too much to care. Another character that stood out was Mr. I wear my glasses indoors Tatsumi, he's really a love or hate character. He is literally the most unhinged feral man I have ever seen in an anime and I was living for it. Some people find him annoying and too loud and I agree, but also most of my favorite jokes came from him so I'm biased in liking him. All the other girls are really likeable and you're constantly wanting to cheer them on and honestly, they're such good characters. 

Overall: I really liked the show and honestly, I would watch it again with a group of friends. If you're looking for an anime to watch when bored this is the show you're looking for. If they make a season two, I'm sure going to watch it. But in all the strongest point of this anime are the characters and comedy. So, if that's what you look for in a show this is a good anime for you. 

5/10 story
8/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Efrem's avatar
Jul 29, 2023

A great anime to laugh while watching. I loved how fresh this anime felt. It wasn't any Oshi No Ko or other top tier idol anime, but it was a fun watch. I really loved watching each character maje development across the series, and it made me feel like I was actually watching then grow up right before me. Not to mention, the AMAZING soundtracks. 👌👌👌

Definitely a great idol anime. Not perfect, but just enough to enjoy to a quality level amount.

6/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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dabiwife33's avatar
Apr 23, 2021

i think  it  was a agreat plot and i like te characters but igot bored because they argued about one thing whether or not they be idols i think it was horrible they basically were turned intpo zombies to save something they dont eveb care about. overall i dont really like music animes but i love zombies so i thought i would give t a try but it was boring for me but i think it is worth waatching if you like animes like Aikatsu

6/10 story
8/10 animation
10/10 sound
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Carnufex's avatar
Nov 2, 2022

The promotional material for Zombieland Saga promised to revolutionize the zombie genre, and it sure did. Far from being scary monsters, the zombies here are cute anime girls brought back to life by a completely nuts impresario and genius make-up artist, who forces them to become idols so that they can Make Saga Great Again (at least economically…).

The first half is absolutely golden. We follow the girls while they struggle to adapt to the fact that they are now zombies, to learn their new job as idols and to overcome the fact that they come from wildly different eras. All the while being totally abused by their impresario, because hey, how could BAKA ZOMBIES!!! report him to the police, heh?

The second half is a bit of a disappointment, if I’m being perfectly honest. It focuses more on the relationships between the girls, and the drama that might ensue, and their actual career as idols. Which is perfectly good per se, but not really what I was expecting given the first part of the series.

The animation works well. The concerts on the other hand use CGI which makes it look like some high quality vocaloid: it’s quite good for now, but it’s reaaaaally not gonna age well. The music is OK even if you’re not into idols.

7/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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keivind's avatar
Jul 12, 2022

I don't write a ton of reviews but this one just kinda needed to get out of me. I loved the story concept and the early music from the first two or so episodes....then it genuinely went pop idol. I'm not a huge fan of pop idols or their music and I thought that from the beginning it would be more like BABYMETAL in appearance you know? Cutesy idol group but with a metal twist. Would've been awesome! But no, we get boring pop idols instead. 

Character wise I liked most of them and enjoyed that they all came from different backgrounds. The only one I had an issue with is Lilly because of how she sticks out like a sore thumb in a group of teenagers (and her god awful voice in the eng dub). She grew on me like everyone else tho. And then the animation....overall amazing quality, kinda wish the art style from the opening was used instead but I don't mind one bit. But....the dancing....reminds me of the early days of shitty MMDs on youtube....

8/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
7/10 overall
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