Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero: The Hero Chapter

Alt title: Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Yuusha no Sho

TV (6 eps)
2017 - 2018
Fall 2017
3.798 out of 5 from 705 votes
Rank #2,235
Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero: The Hero Chapter

The Hero Club at Sanshu Middle School has resumed its normal activities, and even has a new member: the legendary hero Sonoko Nogi! But Sonoko and Yuuna grow deeply troubled as it occurs to them that something, someone, very precious is missing from their group. What has happened to their missing friend, and why are they having such a hard time remembering her?

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While the six episodes of Washio Sumi Chapter is the 2017 prequel to the 2014 Yuki Yuna is a Hero selection of 12 episodes, this closing batch of six episodes, Hero Chapter is an appropriate sequel.  The Hero Club returns to action with a new member, Sonoko Nogi, who emerges from confinement from her paradisical sickbed to be that honored member of that society of maidens devoted to the service of Shinju-sama and the less than trustworthy Taisha. The whole franchise has been an exercise in studying the various ways to torture heroic magic girls who take on the powerful Vertex who is out to snuff the last remnant of the world.  Start with under-aged girls with little fighting skill with little to protect them from the Vertex attack.  Then introduce the Mankai, the power upgrade which only costs the girls physical impairment as they get that need boost to smash the Vertex.  The 2014 season did try to resolve the Mankai double-edge sword, and you just think going into the Hero Chapter ... what trick will the Shinju-sama pull on these nice girls this time? I think the medical professionals call it 'psychological torment.' Start with Sonoko joining the Hero Club, making the team five girls.  Five?  Whoa, let's take roll call.  Yuki Yuna ... here.  Itsuki ... here.  Fuu ... here.  Karin ... here.  Sonoko .. newly here.  Wait where is Washio (if you're Sonoko) or Togo (if you're Yuki)?  These girls remember their friend, but the rest are drawing blanks.  Worse, photographic evidence has no record of Togo/Washi.  If Shinju-sama can purge identities from memory ... who is safe? Worse, Yuki finds Togo trapped in a divinely inspired black hole and drags her out.  Results?  Yuki draws the Curse of God.  And she is forced to remain silent with this.  Speaking of it gives people misfortune.  The cure for the common curse?  Marriage to the Shinju-sama.  Oblivion for Yuki, but the rest of the world will be saved ... if you believe the Taisha. This is why Togo was not far from the mark in season one to imply that the solution to all the world's ills is to remove the Shinju-sama.  This was why she went and damaged the barrier to the Forestsize.  She wanted to rip the Shinju-sama limb by limb by limb by limb by limb (check the image of the Shinju-sama and you'll know why all this limb rending).  The girls face certain apocalypse to save Yuki from self-annihilation. The Hero Chapter limps badly in areas of theology, particularly eschatology (the study of end times ... really rancorous stuff) and soteriology (the study of salvation and the role of Savior).  For the first, you create totally moronic scenarios (e.g., the Left Behind series).  For the second, Yuki, as Hero, tries to convince herself that she can do this self-sacrifice thing without fear (she's terrorized at the prospect).  The Savior undergoes the Gethsemane experience and gains the strength to go on.  Pure apples and oranges.  Still, Yuki Yuna is a quest for an atheistic humanistic society which will accept any amount of chaos, as long as people get to do their own thing without regard to deity.  If a non-chaotic society is possible, is this preferable?  And, at what cost?  Under a group as the Taisha (pure strawman argumentation)?  Can benign deity still be the best alternative ... without the Taisha aura? Enough of theology.  Let's get to the graphics.  Superb animation technique, especially in the real supernatural battle segments.  The blood and gore are not as pronounced as the Washio Sumi Chapter, and the effects of the Mankai is not as impressive.  It does lead one to wonder how the girls' Hero Club transforms for the 2021 present run of Yuki Yuna is a Hero – The Great Mankai Chapter. For Heroes will find rationale to keep up the battle.

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