Your lie in April - Reviews

Alt title: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

SqNx24's avatar
Feb 2, 2021

This is a very heartfelt show and it tugged at my heart strings. It made me cry and the story is beautiful and each character is unique. I would recommend it to any person who likes this type of story. 

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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JadeRegent's avatar
May 29, 2015

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is an unvarnished look at not only the tragedy of having lost someone but also the slow, agonizing process of having someone you love wasting away and being helpless to do anything about it. It examines the people they leave behind and the constant struggle between what was and what might have been. Its a story that's been told a thousand times but also one that cuts so deep because it's so real.

It's corny, over the top, and I loved every second of it.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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ReviewBonfire's avatar
Jun 24, 2021

Your lie in April

This anime had the potential to be one of the most emotional titles in the Slice of Life scene, with drama and music in the foreground. Unfortunately, this anime had complications that made this simply impossible.

It is only understanding how many people are attracted by this work, thanks to the individual subject matter and the implementation and presentation of classical music. In addition, this work also dealt with relationships between characters and the psychological problems of the protagonist. This was supported by very colorful and beautiful animations, in addition to accompanying music. Not only the various individual Osts but also the musical competitions.

At this point you can imagine, doesn't it sound flawless? And you were close if you hadn't allowed such obviously massive problems.

First and foremost, yes, the series is extremely long compared to the actual content. Many significant scenes are far longer than they should have been, which created tension. Conversations were repeated over and over again, they simply wanted to drag the scenes out longer than necessary. By repeatedly serving up the same context of a sentence to a character.

The aspect of the protagonist's trauma is interesting and also had some subtle approaches. HOWEVER, the series has been desperately trying to bring it into focus over and over again with completely the same attempt. In the end, each scene of the protagonist's self-control took several minutes before he collapsed. These scenes were practically spread over several episodes with the content, making it easy to feel an entire episode in which the protagonist cannot hear any noise. It is realistic in its approach, but presenting it in this way over and over again is simply unacceptable. In particular, these scenes were supposed to be some of the most serious ones for the progression of the plot, but they carried little weight.

The actual main plot revolved only around the relationships between the characters, which seemed completely irrelevant. Kaori's interaction with Arima. And Arima's trauma. And two of the most important points were almost thrown overboard. Not to put it so harshly, of course, it still held up. But the wasted potential is sad.

And as mentioned, we would have the characters ... that's a number in itself. An anime whose characters have been so one-sidedly split up is rather rare. In principle, Arima and Kaori are always in focus and develop accordingly. Most other musically gifted characters have nothing but admiration for the protagonist. Hardly any personality or character.
And the two friends of the protagonist Tsubaki and Male Friend (since his name has already been forgotten, I call him MaleFriend) have been at the top of the mountain.
MaleFriend had hardly any personality, no development whatsoever and I almost did not understand what his presence meant.
Tsubaki is aggressive, moody and the typical role model for Tsundere. It didn't evolve and was mostly a problem for the other characters to develop. Any attempt to make them appear more important to the protagonist was a shot backwards. Their relationships, dialogues, and meaning were minimal and almost meaningless. Let alone that no one was sympathetic in any way.
To be honest, I'm almost satisfied because the actual 2 protagonists were still interesting. Unfortunately, Tsubaki got way too much screen time.

This anime was trying to do too many things at the same time.
It had an honestly more unexpected ending and a subtle implementation in the finale. Also, the protagonist's journey was subtle enough, I liked it despite the fact that it was so long.
Unfortunately, the implementation of many scenes and most of the characters had too many downsides. If that wasn't the case, "Your Lie in April" could probably be one of the best SoL anime for me too.

4/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
4.5/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
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onlyreree's avatar
Apr 9, 2020

Another one of those sad anime's. It was sad at the end, just enought to make my heart drop but not cry. I really liked how the anime presents how his mother affected him and the struggls he went through. I was really pissed when they were forcing him to play like i know they mean well but chill. And omg that guy with who plays piano i cant remember his name but he was a rival, HE NEEDS TO FIX HIS HAIR. Anywayyy, I watched ths anime in a day because of how addicting it was.

9/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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saphirablue's avatar
Mar 21, 2015

This was the best anime (and manga) of its category that I've seen. I loved the story, and I thought that it was executed masterfully, in a way that makes you feel like any more or any less would ruin the story. 

I really liked the animation style and I appreciated how closely it adhered to the mangaka's drawing style. I thought that the little comedic animations livened the series and made the characters more relatable and sympathetic to the audience. 

The music selection was amazing. I loved the first opening by Goosehouse and overall I felt like the opening and ending themes were good representatives of the anime's vibe. The music selection (this is a music anime afterall) was really good and like Nodame Cantabile, the best parts (in my opinion) of the pieces were played and hatched together yet still represented the original pieces quite well. Very noticeably, the transitions between different portions of the pieces was incredibly smooth, and a lot better than those from Nodame Cantabile. 

Like every other shoujo anime you have the tropes and the all too familiar triangle(/square). Honestly I can't really say why I felt so connected to these characters other than that their actions and their personalities felt realistic, relatable, and maybe most importantly understandable. The romance, however a large and important part of the series, was not the driving force of the series and that is what love should be. Their love motivated them to become better than who they were and allowed them to move forward with their lives. 

Although the story is tragic, after finishing the anime amongst the sadness I also felt hope and a desire to live differently and that is what I think makes this story truely great. 

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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