Wu Shan Wu Xing - Reviews

Alt title: Fog Hill of Five Elements

weebthegamer's avatar
Aug 22, 2020

Came for the action and stayed for the plot! This was just so good! I loved the art style, and the fight scenes were magnificent! It is hard to believe that this is the work of only eight people! I also really enjoyed the plot. This show explores the concept of how we judge what is evil. I really loved that because it shows that everything is not so black and white. This show also had plenty of humor, I personally wasn't expecting to laugh as much as I did. I am sad about how short this was but I understand since as I previously mentioned, the studio only consist of eight people. I can't wait for more episodes to be released!

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
Alfie02's avatar
Dec 26, 2020

Wu Shan Wu Xing, the Chinese anime that has great animation and... that's about it... Honestly, that's all it has. This anime has 3 episodes in which we are presented with more or less nothing. Let's start with the plot. The plot is non-existent. Right off the bat, we are met with criminally well-animated action scenes and no explanation at all. Who are these people, why are they fighting, what is going on, none of this is ever explained. Later on, we learn that the scenes we saw had nothing to do with what happens in the whole show! But it doesn't matter, right? We got a crazy animated fight so it's all good. Next thing we know we are met with our main character, who is about to meet the other main character in the most convenient way and at the most convenient time, convenient, right? All of this is followed by a superbly animated fight filled with bs powerups and asspulls. After that of course we get to the main point... Or I'd like to say so but this is the end of the second episode and the end of the story (chronologically at least).  In the third episode, we get a back story of one of our mc's and we see the events that lead to where we are now. That's it. Nothing gets explained who in the where in the what or the how in the why doesn't get explained, we are just left scratching our heads while thinking about the eyegasms we had. The sound was alright... The characters were flat and generic, and I at least couldn't care less about them as all of them were mere plot devices. 

All in all, this was a shit show with great animation.

2/10 story
8.5/10 animation
6/10 sound
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
okfatty's avatar
Aug 11, 2022

the fights are AMAZING i recommend to watch just for the fights the story is boring tho i dont recommend if you want a good story but if your looking for fights THIS IS A GREAT PICK

3/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
2/10 characters
6/10 overall
ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 10, 2024

"Wu Shan Wu Xing" (Fog Hill of Five Elements) is a standout Chinese animation (donghua) that delves into the rich tapestry of Chinese mythology and fantasy, showcasing an extraordinary blend of magical elements and martial arts. This series has captivated audiences with its breathtaking animation style, deeply rooted in traditional Chinese aesthetics, and its innovative storytelling that draws heavily from Chinese folklore and elemental mythology. While it has garnered praise for its visual splendor and unique narrative approach, "Wu Shan Wu Xing" also faces challenges with its pacing and story clarity, reflecting the intricacies of adapting such a dense mythological framework into a concise animated format.

Elemental Allure

  • Visual Mastery: The donghua is visually stunning, employing a vibrant color palette and fluid animation techniques that bring its fantastical world to life. The fight sequences, in particular, are a highlight, showcasing a seamless blend of traditional Chinese martial arts and elemental magic that is both innovative and breathtaking.

  • Mythological Depth: "Wu Shan Wu Xing" stands out for its rich incorporation of Chinese mythology, exploring themes of elemental balance, spiritual cultivation, and the cosmic struggle between forces of good and evil. This depth adds a layer of cultural and philosophical complexity to the narrative, appealing to viewers with an interest in mythology and folklore.

Misty Mountains

  • Narrative Pacing and Development: One of the main challenges faced by "Wu Shan Wu Xing" is its pacing and narrative structure. The series sometimes leaps between events and characters at a pace that can leave viewers confused about plot details and character motivations, especially given the dense mythological backdrop.

  • Accessibility and Context: For audiences less familiar with Chinese mythology and cultural nuances, "Wu Shan Wu Xing" might present a steep learning curve. The series assumes a level of familiarity with its mythological and cultural references, which could hinder full immersion and understanding for international viewers or those new to donghua.

Cultural Resonance

  • Innovative Storytelling: Despite its narrative challenges, the series is praised for its ambitious storytelling, which seeks to carve a unique niche within the animation landscape by deeply rooting itself in Chinese cultural and mythological traditions. This approach provides a refreshing alternative to the more commonly seen influences in global animation.

  • Cultural Representation: "Wu Shan Wu Xing" serves as a proud representation of Chinese animation, showcasing the potential of donghua to rival its Japanese and Western counterparts in terms of quality and creativity. The series contributes to the growing global interest in Chinese animated works, highlighting the rich storytelling and artistic heritage of China.


"Wu Shan Wu Xing" (Fog Hill of Five Elements) is a visually stunning and culturally rich series that offers a unique dive into the world of Chinese mythology and elemental magic. Despite facing some challenges with pacing and narrative clarity, the donghua captivates with its breathtaking animation and innovative use of folklore, marking an important contribution to the genre and the broader landscape of animation. For fans of fantasy, mythology, and martial arts, "Wu Shan Wu Xing" provides a compelling glimpse into the depth and beauty of Chinese storytelling traditions, affirming the global appeal and potential of donghua.

6/10 story
9/10 animation
7/10 sound
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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xida2t's avatar
Sep 29, 2020

This is unfinished but mediocre for what it is worth.

The art style for the characters looks uncanny compared to the background.

When the action is not hot, it looks like a storyboard animation.

I can barely tell what the plot is besides retrieving some creature; they could have started from a better point. Especially not in the MIDDLE of an erratic action scene.

How am I supposed to feel empathy for the characters when I have no fucking idea who they are?

Wth is exactly going on? I feel as if there is more to this. Hopefully future episodes make sense of this mess.

5/10 story
5/10 animation
5/10 sound
5/10 characters
5/10 overall