Wonder Egg Priority Special Edition - Reviews

Alt title: Wonder Egg Priority: Tokubetsu-hen

Dhaifz's avatar
Jun 30, 2021

A 25 minute long recap and a confusing ending like c'mon this is the last episode atleast we can understand what's going on. 

r: 3.5/10

4/10 story
8/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
3.5/10 overall
Carmy68's avatar
Dec 13, 2023


This did nothing except infuriate me, introduce more questions, less answers and make me hate Ai and Rikka for how they did Neiru. ["spoiler"] Especially Ai because I expected that behavior from Rikka but Ai? A complete disappointment. Sure she regretted it but I don't forgive easily. Imagine that was a life or death situation for a friend and you completely abandon them. Shameful! ["/spoiler"] Anyway the animation was its saving grace. 

2.5/10 story
9/10 animation
6/10 sound
5/10 characters
2/10 overall
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QuestioningEspecialy's avatar
Apr 23, 2022

Quite an end.

Wasn't sure what to expect, and ended up getting something new. The recap was a great choice that I really appreciated even though I watched the whole series over a few days (turns out, I needed the refresher). The place the plot went after that was... interesting. I don't wanna spoil, so I'll just say that I barely took any issue with it and liked the message I got from it at the very end. That's all. This was a good continuation of Wonder Egg Priority. One that I feel continues the message from the series realistically and left me satisfied.

10/10 story
?/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
NeoArashi's avatar
Jul 2, 2021

So literally more than half the episode was just a recap of 11 of the 12 episodes (since episode 8 was a recap itself) and the other half not only solved none of the plot hole the main story started, (with the exeption of what happens to the revived people, somewhat) but on top of that, I feel like the show just created more plotholes.

The main series was pretty good, but this special episode is nothing short of utterly disapointing.

2/10 story
6/10 animation
7/10 sound
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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nitebeing's avatar
May 10, 2022

*no spoilers*

#1) the entire first half is recap. i absolutely hate recaps. we don't need them, this is not television anymore, anyone can go back and catch themselves up if they want

#2) one of the worst, most disappointing & disjointed endings to a series I've ever seen

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
3/10 overall
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