Wo de Nitian Shenqi - Reviews

Epimondas's avatar
Oct 4, 2018

This anime is essentially a copy of the fate series.  The term holy war isn’t used but a trial is held and winners supposedly get a wish or something similar granted.  The main weapon character eventually reveals a power very similar to Archer from Unlimited Bladeworks and Gilgamesh from Fate Zero, I think it was? It has a few twists and turns but they all seem in the same spirit as the Fate series.  The main lead female is a lot like Rin as she is both a classmate and wealthy with a kind of tsundere personality.  While I don’t think it is either better or significantly different than Fate, each episode is shorter and there are fewer episodes.  Due to that several characters receive very little development and even the leads are a bit lacking.  It’s closest to Fate Unlimited Bladeworks, partly because of characters and partly because of the revelations about some characters as the story progresses.  I’d even say it had a tinge of The Law of Ueki in it.  Still it is basically only a copy that lacks the depth, originality, complexity, and quality of the originals.

Thugh it is a mere copy, it’s at least watchable.  I only hope it’s or secretly preaching subliminal messages about conforming.  

5.5/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
5.3/10 characters
6.8/10 overall