Toradora! - Videos

Toradora! Episode 4 - That Look You Had

Love began with rejection!

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Taiga and Ryuji

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Taiga and Ryuji

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Your Song

That Look You Had

Episode 4

That Look You Had

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Pool's Open

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Who Is This For?

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When You Go to the Sea


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Ohashi High School Culture Festival 2

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My Little Monster

Impassive girl meets trouble maker in a brand new love story! After Mizutani Shizuku, a girl whose sole interest is studying, is asked to deliver some handouts to Yoshida Haru, a boy who hasn't come to school after spilling blood on the first day, she finds herself the target of his affection. This is a story about a boy and a girl who struggle with love and...

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Bronia Bronia says

Both shows are quite different, I'll admit. They situations drawing the characters together, for instance, are completely different with Toradora drawing leads together in an effort to get their respective crushes and Tonari No Kaibutsu-Kun just making them trying to make friends. However, they are similar enough that if you liked one, you really should check out the other.

Both have themes of people and who they are on the inside and who they are on the outside, and how others percieve them. For example, Ryuuji and Haru both appear to be mean delinquents, but they are in truth kind and innocent.

Both also focus heavily on peoples' need for friends. Taiga and Shizuku both both start the series' isolated from their classmates due to their cold personalities, but over the course of the series they gradually warm up to friends.

And of course, both are very well executed romance anime that accurately represent the difficulties of falling in love, as well as the maturing that comes with it.

okamisan okamisan says

Both shows feature cute love stories with heroines who won't be conquered so easily. Plus, each series has enough laughs in it to make it funny as well as sweet.

tayinoop tayinoop says

Main characters are similiar, both anime are about a tsundere type girl in denial or unable to express her true feelings.

Kimi ni Todoke - From Me To You

Kimi ni Todoke - From Me To You

Sawako Kuronuma is just like any other high school girl who wants to make friends and be useful. The only problem is she bears a worrying resemblance to Sadako from 'The Ring!' Because of her reputation, people are not only terrified of her, but small dogs even bark in fear at her presence; in fact, the only person in school who will talk to her is the lively...

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Garylikesmanga Garylikesmanga says

Ryuuji and Sawako, the two lead characters of each series, are fairly similar. Ryuuji, from Totadora!, terrifies classmates because of his eyes that look like they belong to a killer. Sawako, from Kimi ni Todoke, reminds her classmates of the girl from 'The Ring'. Both characters are far gentler than what their appearance causes others to think about them. At least early on in each series, other classmates tend to run from the lead character in terror, or at least try to avoid them. They both have a classmate of the opposite sex that treats them the same as everyone else, however.

brain brain says

These are both romances consisting of nearly pure character development.  The protagonists of Toradora and the protagonist of Kimi ni Todoke initially are loners and the story begins by focusing on how meeting their eventual love interest awakens their social nature.

Lemonzzz Lemonzzz says

Both have a male lead who likes the female lead and a female lead who won't acknowledge that the male lead likes them or that they like the male lead. While Toradora! has a bit more of a love triangle/square/shape with many sides, both have their fair share of heart wrenching moments and both have their humour. Great shows both of them.

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AkoniiYuu AkoniiYuu says

Both main characters dont have feelings at the start but they both develop those feeling in the time , those feelings are develop slowly by them selves and by little help of there friends.

megalith megalith says

Even more than the romance, slice of life, school setting, these two shows have a lot of parallels. Hachiman and Ryuuji are both kind of feared for their uninviting looks, although Hachiman takes this to the extreme, but both are genuinely nice and caring individuals.Taiga and Yukino are both well-to-do, intelligent, popular and athletic, but with equally ininviting personalities and no more than two close friends to rely on. Although I wouldn't consider Yukino tsundere, they both are poor at expressing their feelings, but capable of solving everyone else's problems but their own.The vibe in the romance, comedy and school-life action are similar with less martial arts violence in SNAFU. The pacing and tone and what seems to be multiple love interests will appeal to anyone who enjoyed Toradora! and vice  versa.

Arocta Arocta says

The main male characters of both animes have an uneasy/ unsettling vibe to them causing them, in different ways, to be misunderstood socially. Both animes have a main female character who shows mostly hate towards the main male character, as well as another female main character who is normally very cheerful.