To Be Hero

Alt title: Tu Bian Yingxiong

TV (12 eps x 13 min)
Fall 2016
3.308 out of 5 from 1,361 votes
Rank #10,666
To Be Hero

The protagonist, Old Man, is very attractive but a terrible slob, a failure as a father, and works as a toilet seat designer. He is divorced from his wife, and lives with his daughter, Min-chan, who is both very smart and athletic. One day, as he was taking a dump, he was sucked into his toilet and given the important job of becoming a hero to save the world! He ends up having to give up his good looks for a chubby frame in exchange. Old Man’s battle to protect the Earth and Min-chan is about to start...

Source: Crunchyroll

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The Humor is as low brow as it gets, Swiss Army Man anyone?Great Anime.  . Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! . Dude had a stroke during episode 1 you don't find out about this till episode 12 when the doctors come in and say so, Tack on the fact that he lost his job by sacrificing for his daughter. So from almost the very beginning this show is about a "good" father thinking he isn't "Good" enough to make it, to protect his daughter, the world or even himself. And it's kinda heart wrenching at the end when the little girl figured out why he didn't want to tell her how the story ended, he had no faith in himself, but she didn't care, she just wanted him back. And before the next door neighbor told her the truth about her father, she only saw him as useless even though he was far from it. And in the end he said screw it too and fought to be the good parent he was and not some conceited twit that he once upon a time used to be. Protecting hiss daughter.If I had to guess the low brow humor part was just thrown in to make it seem much much more like a dream cuz the further we got from episode 1 the more surreal it got.</div> . Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! . In wrapping up I didn't plan on giving this anime any time at all. However now that I've watched it all the way through I'm gonna find the Chinese version, seeing as how the Japanese cut parts out and re-watch it and this is easily this seasons best Hidden Gem.


For a filler-show with bizarrely manic humor, To Be Hero isn’t really bad per se… it’s just not that good either.  The first nine or ten episodes are random, gross, and utterly meaningless.  Somehow, the finale manages to tie it all together and turn most of the garbage into gold, but this added layer of depth doesn’t really make up for the first 80% of the experience.  The story centers on a selfish and unreliable lech whose toilet transforms him into the most unappealing superhero imaginable.  Unable to speak without uttering profanities, he must save the world and protect his daughter while living as an over-the-top pervert with terrible hygiene.  As the synopsis suggests, the series relies heavily on crude gimmicks and callow humor.  Boob jokes are nearly as common as poop jokes, and they’re not always mutually exclusive.  The repetitive punchlines give characters a one-dimensional feel, and few of them are ever more than they appear to be.      The humor starts to make more sense when you consider the production was supervised by Shinichi Watanabe, a man famous for directing Excel Saga and spending his entire adult-life dressed up as Lupin III (no joke).  He’s eccentric but popular, and he brings with him a wide range of talent.  The  casting is one of the show’s high points, and features long-time melodramatists Kenjiro Tsuda (Soul Eater’s Mifune) and Yutaka Aoyama (Naruto’s Sasori). The rest of the production quality is a little awkward, at least in part because this is technically a multi-cultural endeavor; Watanabe aside, Haoliners is a Shanghai studio aiming to export more Chinese animation. Though it was released simultaneously in both countries, the two versions are slightly different and both feature localized music and dubs.  Watanabe’s influence is still noticeable but comes across as a bit old-fashioned, especially in style and tone.   Hero does have one selling point that makes it worth considering; it’s technically the prequel for To Be Heroine, a far better show that I strongly recommend watching.  Heroine uses the same themes (and characters) as Hero, but it weaves them together much more cohesively.  It’s not absolutely necessary to watch one for the other, but it helps make sense of the antics later in the sequel if you do.

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