This Ugly Yet Beautiful World - Reviews

Alt title: Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai

SEGHE's avatar
Sep 21, 2023

"This Ugly Yet Beautiful World" - A Blend of Beauty and Bizarreness

Story (6/10): "This Ugly Yet Beautiful World" offers an intriguing mix of supernatural elements, romance, and coming-of-age themes. The story follows Takeru and Ryou, two friends who encounter a mysterious girl named Hikari. What starts as a seemingly ordinary encounter soon spirals into a series of strange events involving mecha-like creatures and unexplained phenomena. While the initial premise intrigued me, the storytelling can be inconsistent, and certain plot developments left me with more questions than answers. The pacing could also be uneven at times.

Animation (7/10): The animation quality is a highlight of this series. The character designs are well-crafted, and the action sequences involving the mysterious creatures are visually engaging. The series successfully balances slice-of-life moments with supernatural elements, creating a unique visual blend.

Sound (6/10): The soundtrack of "This Ugly Yet Beautiful World" is serviceable but not particularly memorable. It provides a suitable backdrop for the series but lacks standout tracks. Voice acting performances are decent, with the cast effectively conveying the emotions of the characters.

Characters (6/10): Takeru and Ryou, the main characters, undergo significant development throughout the series. Their evolving friendship and the challenges they face add depth to their characters. Hikari, the mysterious girl, adds an enigmatic element to the story. However, some side characters receive less attention and development, which limits their impact on the overall narrative.

Overall (6/10): "This Ugly Yet Beautiful World" is a series that blends beauty and bizarreness, offering a unique take on the supernatural genre. While the animation quality is commendable, the storytelling and character development could have been more consistent. If you enjoy anime that explores themes of friendship, romance, and the mysteries of the supernatural world, this series may pique your interest. My overall score of 6/10 reflects my mixed feelings about the series, which combines captivating moments with moments of confusion and inconsistency.

6/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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Spyderwhisperer's avatar
Dec 26, 2010

I remember watching this anime before. A long, long time ago. I can't really say when or how, lol or even how old I was. But back then I didn't even know what anime was. I really like the idea behind this anime though. It made me smile. Funny that I would start watching it again yesterday and finish off today. The 25th of December. The whole anime was very moving, I have to say, though not enough to lead to tears, maybe another time. But at the very same time watching it was a little like replaying a dream... crazy huh? In time I can't say I have ever watched it, but I have you know?

The story is about a boy who was abandon by his mother and starts to think that he wants things to change. His best friend went through the same terrible time, execpt both parents left togther. After seeing a bright light and feeling some kind of force go through the two boys meet a different girl in the woods and things begin to happen. But its not just a girl who comes on the scene soon enters a second girl different from the first, and two different robots, a big one and small one. After everyone is finally together the girls find out why they came to earth in the first place. Life the way it is known to everyone is threatened and takauro is forced to help save it by comfronting his own fear, his fear that everyone he loves hates him and will eventaully abandon him the way his mother did at such a young age.

There was something a little over powering about the way each scene took place. The characters grew and changed in so many different ways, as much as they could in only 12 episodes. And what a dream from a long time ago that I had forgotten for so long. 

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed. It is rather short and perhaps could be longer I think I'll leave it where it is now. Thanks again.


10/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.3/10 overall
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