The God of High School - Reviews

12killzzz's avatar
Feb 12, 2024

as of now my view on the goh is very strong i like the story and fights waiting on a season 2 i heard it may come out this year (2024) hoping for it, the ending of this first season is just so exciting to see where it takes us im not much of a manga reader so i will just be waiting for the new season to see whats in store, in conclusion  this anime is a great 1/2 day beinge if your like me and dont like reading all that much you most likely will be waiting for the season 2 just like me, good day! 

10/10 story
8.5/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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SEGHE's avatar
Sep 21, 2023

"The God of High School" - A Shallow Battle Anime

Story (4/10): "The God of High School" kicks off with a promising premise, centered around a martial arts tournament that draws participants with extraordinary abilities. However, as the series progresses, it becomes evident that the story takes a backseat to the action. Character development and plot intricacies are sacrificed for the sake of flashy battles. While the initial intrigue keeps you watching, the lack of depth in the storytelling ultimately leaves much to be desired.

Animation (6/10): One area where "The God of High School" shines is in its animation quality. MAPPA delivers stunning fight sequences that are dynamic and visually engaging. The choreography of the battles is a standout feature, making the action scenes a pleasure to watch. However, the animation quality doesn't fully compensate for the shortcomings in other aspects of the series.

Sound (5/10): The soundtrack and sound effects in the series serve their purpose adequately during the action scenes. However, they aren't particularly memorable, and the music tends to fade into the background. The voice acting is decent, with the cast delivering their lines competently, but there are no standout performances.

Characters (3/10): Character development is a major weak point in "The God of High School." While the show introduces a diverse cast of fighters, it struggles to provide meaningful depth to most of them. Many characters are reduced to one-dimensional archetypes, and their motivations and backstories often feel rushed or underexplored. This lack of character depth makes it challenging to connect with or care about the cast.

Overall (3/10): "The God of High School" excels in delivering action-packed battles and impressive animation but falls short in almost every other aspect. Its narrative lacks substance, characters are underdeveloped, and it fails to live up to its initial potential. If you're solely looking for mindless action, it might provide some entertainment. Still, its overall score of 3/10 reflects its missed opportunities to be a more compelling and well-rounded anime series, especially when compared to its source material.

4/10 story
6/10 animation
5/10 sound
3/10 characters
3/10 overall
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PharuanUndearth's avatar
Nov 12, 2021

This isn't gonna be like the rest of my reviews it's gonna be a quick 1, it's very good it follows the story mostly. The action sequences are the best that I've seen in quite a while since Avatar: The Last Airbender.

This isn't really gonna have spoilers but does read at your own risk in case I do spoil something for you.

Pros: Pretty funny, Well drawn animations and kickass sounds.

Cons: It needed more story.

A very confusing mess of random information and animation, then put together in some weird ass situation. I would like a little bit more story to my beat Em UPS, not a superstore guy but I do tend to look at if the information makes sense and this Does not. I can't say I don't recommend it it's a good 40 ish minutes to watch it's not that long it's pretty enjoyable to just turn your brain off and watch this animation with a few chuckles here and there again like my higher-tiered score says the 6, a solid 6.

Recommendation: yes

7/10 story
9.5/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
7.6/10 overall
BlackCatLef's avatar
Jan 24, 2021

3S review no.22 (short, simple and salty/sweet/spicy)

Oh boy, another overhyped show that is a complete and utter mess. It does hold some entertainment value with the constant action it presents, but nothing more than that. This show is a retake or an attempt to revive the old school fighting shounen and modernize it. Does it succeed? No it fails miserably.

Story, a tournament is held about and the strongest students are invited to participate with the reward being the fulfillment of whatever they wish. Now that’s amazing and innovative no? Well even a story that has been told a thousand times can still be good if it is well told no? Yes but that’s not the case here. The story is very nonsensical, random stuff happening one after another, nothing makes sense, nothing is built up, everything is vague and plain out silly. I mean what’s up with the setting? It’s a realistic world, even the tournament begins as such, it is just martial arts, then some time later everyone pulls of weird powers out of their asses, god given powers, demon given powers, jojo stands, magic and whatever stupid thing you can think of. At one point in the show an ossan defends against some nuclear missiles, transforms them into a giant mulitheaded statue or something, then summons a giant rock like a meteorite or something to push the statue into hitting the enemy summoned statue or deity or whatever, meanwhile he had instantaneously teleported every citizen in the city out of harm’s way. Now, like it isn’t enough that all this are way over the top, they are not explained in the slightest. You don’t have a single clue of what can do or cannot do in the show, so you don’t know what to expect, everything falls flat because of that. The best thing is that when the tournament takes place, there are viewers in the stadium, they just see people manifest giant hammers, fireballs, summon knights from their swords and a bunch of other crazy stuff, and they just casually stay there and watch even though they could die at any given second, or those things don’t manifest and no one can see them and all they see are punches and kicks? Well, fuck me cause I ain’t got a clue, that’s how well thought out the show is. So, story is garbage, nonsensical and very rushed, the fights are blunt and silly cause nothing is well founded and the outcome is not determined by tactics or anything, but by who manifests or uses the most broken power. All of these though end up creating some enjoyment that is drawn out of the constant nonsenical brainless action, kind of like an action b-movie.

So, story is garbage, what about characters? Same shit if not worse. Just cardboards walking around and fighting, the whole thing is so silly and rushed, not a single character is fleshed out or developed, not even the bare minimum. It’s hard to like them or find them interesting. I mean one of them could be, cause he entered the tournament to help his sick friend, but then later when this is no longer his motive, he just changes his motive to “I just want to get stronger” for no reason in a typical shounen manner. Characters ultimately are there just to produce entertaining fights and nothing more.

Animation is very well done, fighting scenes look cool and pretty, along with the fact that they are constant that’s the only part of the show that can be labeled enjoyable.

Sound is alright, same with the sound effects. Voice acting mediocre for the leading three characters but for the rest of the cast it’s very good with talented and recognizable voices. The opening song is ear polluting though and I couldn’t skip the intro fast enough.

So is it worth a watch? No, most definitely not. Story is nonsensical garbage and characters are lame as it goes. But, the animation is crisp and the fights as nonsensical and built on thin air as they are, they are still good lookin and well choreographed, so if you look for some brainless pretty looking fights, this show is for you, if you want anything more beyond that, don’t even consider this shit.

1/10 story
8.5/10 animation
6/10 sound
1/10 characters
3/10 overall
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Satoru101's avatar
Jun 19, 2021

You should read the webtoon, don't waste your time on the anime.

6/10 story
8/10 animation
6/10 sound
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
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