The Girl Who Leapt Through Time - Reviews

Alt title: Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo

FijiJay's avatar
Feb 4, 2018

The girl who leapt through time is a romance/ drama about a girl who finds a device that lets  her leap through time and she gets carried away and uses the time leaper for very simple tasks but she doesn't realize using it too much has consequences.

  • Story ~ 6/10 
  • Animation ~ 8/10
  • Sound ~ 8/10
  • Characters ~ 7/10
  • Overall ~ 8/10
6/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Epimondas's avatar
Dec 21, 2016

Many movies have been made about time travel and many with similar themes and stories to this one.  The main thing about it that stands out a bit is that it is based on an accidental discovery which is kind of similar to the classic "Back to the Future" where Marty is thrown into a time travel tale by accident as well.  Makoto gets this new ability and uses it frivolously to correct any flaw she runs across involving her or even often involving others she knows.  It is almost comical how belatedly she discovers the limits of this ability indicated in part by a mysterious mark on her arm.  There is a faux romance budding between her and the lead male character that never ever ever feels real because of how the story flows in the movie up to the time she realizes her mysterious attraction to him.  Quite honestly, Makoto never shows a romantic interest in anyone in the entire film, nor are there ever any hints not even faint ones of her having an interest.  She herself stresses repeatedly that she only sees all the guys we know in her life as friends.  Her best female friends tease her about an interest in not one but both of them and she shrugs both off repeatedly as having no interest.  For a so called 'romantic' interest angle the ending implies or even if this might be considered a romance movie, it does a fairly dismal job of displaying any remote hints of romance.  For his part, Chiaki shows he likes her once in the whole movie before the end.  Yes, you read right, ONCE.  On a trip back from playing around with baseball after her bike had been broken, he offers her a ride where he reveals his interest.  It is very ambigious at that, he plays it off like, well if you have nothing better to do or no other guys you like, why not go out with me?  Yes that is SOooo romantic, NOT.  

The romance angle is a total fail.  Some of her antics are rather comical mainly due to how often she repeats an event either because she keeps getting it wrong or because she wants to enjoy the moment alot longer.  Both are pretty funny reasons to travel back in time.  Mikoto's aunt, she calls a 'witch' but I never saw any reason why she got such a reptuation.  While she appears to be fairly insightful, nothing about her gives me cause as to how she got such a reputation of being a witch. She acts like a 'straight man' or solid footing type character to all the chaos going on in the movie at the height of Makoto using her power.  I like her as a character but I didn't see alot of depth to her either but there was enough of a mystery aura about her and Makoto's faith and trust in her as a character to help alleviate what might be lacking in delving into her character in detail.  We are treated to some history about her but again, nothing ever comes up as to why she got the witch moniker.  Yuri is semi important as her best female friend but often I feel like she melts into the background or she is too easy to get confused with other lesser characters.  Her presence on screen is not very strong.  

**Spoiler Open** 

The most telling moment as to why the romance part fails is when she cries near the end and I felt absolutely nothing which is rare in emotional moments or movies.  I was almost more annoyed than gripping at my heart.  

 **Spoiler Close**

Makoto is a likeable character with mixed emotions and a fairly simple outlook on life given she calls tossing a ball around actually playing baseball.  The art is above average and the sound I would have to rate a bit higher than that.  Character development is fairly low save for the 3 main characters and to a lesser degree two support characters.  The three main being her two male friends and her while the two support ones are her best friend and her aunt.  Only one other character gets much depth treatment and that is a guy who gets picked on after he swaps places with Makoto and gets caught in an accident meant for her.

This is a fairly average time travel story with above average for anime, art and sound.  There are not alot of cliches easily distinnguishable in the main characters and for the most part they do seem fairly believable and life like in their behaviors and uniqueness.  This is actually one of this movie's strongest qualities.  While it does not have much in character development beyond a handful of characters that is not necessarily a bad thing since it focuses mostly on one and somewhat on a few others.  What characters it does focus on though it does a pretty good job in imbuing them with a sense of realism not art wise though that is pretty good.

7/10 story
7.8/10 animation
8.5/10 sound
8/10 characters
7.8/10 overall
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Achan's avatar
Feb 24, 2010

OMG this was so good the story was kinda confusing at the end T.T I'll read the manga later...anyways the music didn't really stand out to me...someone the characters made me mad...and this was so unpredictable it had me on my toes all the time thu the movie....I was like so what is gonna happen think you know something but BAM it switch on you....I was like what the fuck so random @_@

9/10 story
10/10 animation
5/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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hellokitty9002's avatar
Apr 11, 2024


10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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SEGHE's avatar
Sep 21, 2023

"The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" - A Time-Traveling Gem

Story (8/10): "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" weaves a captivating narrative around the concept of time travel. The story follows the adventures of Makoto Konno, who discovers her newfound ability to leap back in time. What unfolds is a beautifully crafted tale that explores the consequences of altering the past and the value of the moments we often take for granted. The plot is well-structured and filled with emotional depth, making it a standout in the world of anime films.

Animation (9/10): The animation in this film is a visual treat. Directed by Mamoru Hosoda, it boasts stunning and fluid animation sequences. The character designs are expressive, and the attention to detail in depicting both ordinary life and moments of time manipulation is commendable. The film's artistry enhances the storytelling and helps convey the emotions of the characters.

Sound (7/10): The soundtrack complements the film's mood effectively, with a mix of gentle melodies and emotional pieces that enhance the viewing experience. The voice acting is solid, capturing the nuances of the characters' emotions as they grapple with the implications of time travel. While not groundbreaking, the sound design does its job well.

Characters (7/10): The film excels in character development, particularly when it comes to Makoto Konno. Her journey from carefree high school student to someone who grapples with the moral complexities of time travel is engaging and relatable. The supporting characters, while not as deeply explored, add charm and depth to the story, making you genuinely care about their fates.

Overall (7/10): "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" is a must-watch for fans of science fiction and coming-of-age stories. Its thought-provoking narrative, combined with exceptional animation and character development, creates a memorable cinematic experience. While not without its minor flaws, it remains a classic in the anime film genre. I give it an overall score of 7/10, reflecting its status as an anime gem that should not be missed.

8/10 story
9/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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