The Duke of Death and His Maid 2nd Season - Reviews

Alt title: Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid 2nd Season

Nanou007's avatar
Dec 12, 2023

This show is definitely underrated. It manages to stay comical, and keep the mystery interesting enough to not get bored of the plot. Overall, this might be one of the best anime of the season, and can't wait for the next season.

9/10 story
8.5/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
Xnub's avatar
Sep 26, 2023

***No Spoilers***

Yet another gorgeous season from this series showing off its amazing cast of characters with their deep and vibrant relationships and personalities. So If you liked S1 you can expect to like S2 just as much, as its characters are still oozing with the same charm, while pushing the story forward at a quicker pace. It does also add in a few new characters and relationships to the roster to keep things fresh and interesting as it moves forward. I can’t say much else besides that without spoilers to the story or relationships. However It really is just more moments of sweet, cute and wholesome relationships evolving and deepening as the story gets pushed deeper and deeper. Look forward to it.

Underrated show, If it wasn’t CGI i figure it would be much more popular then it is, people put too much weight on animation above all else.

8/10 - great cliffhanger can’t wait for S3

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
Carnufex's avatar
Oct 5, 2023


Like in season 1, the series is a rather faithful adaptation of volume 6 to 10 of the manga, that weeds out several less necessary side stories. The animation is better than the manga’s drawings, and the soundtrack mainly revolves around piano.


Comme dans la saison 1, la série est une adaptation assez fidèle des volumes 6 à 10 du manga, qui élague cependant plusieurs histoires annexes non indispensables. L’animation est meilleure que les dessins du manga, et la bande son est surtout à base de piano.

6/10 story
8/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
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