The Abashiri Family - Reviews

Alt title: Abashiri Ikka

egon0044's avatar
May 9, 2014

This is an old and almost forgotten show. The only ways to watch it are online or VHS. Only the online versions have sub-titles. English dubs were not made. That aside, if you do get a chance to watch this 4 episode show, you'll find that old school still holds up today.

It is a tad bit rushed. Cramming 15 volumes with 50 chapters into 4, 18 minute long shows will do that. So, that being said, I'm sure there is more to the story than what you get here, but it's still pretty good. You get a fair amount of action, a dose of mild fan service and a dash of comedy, for good measure.

All and all, while Abashiri Family is not the greatest show in the world, it is worth the watch. And at a combined length of 72 minutes (1hr : 12min), you can get through it in no time. Even if it's just to say you saw it.

5/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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