Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space - Reviews

Inu230's avatar
Dec 28, 2019

Cats live in loneliness and die like rain.

It’s in this cruel reality that Tamala, a young feline,  dreams of a better world.

Oh how inept this description is. From the synopsis potential viewers would think this is a tale about finding a better world. Disappointment and scares await instead.

This anime is just creepy. It gets a kick out of dishing out big-eyed anthropomorphized cloth-wearing quadrupeds and then bombarding the viewer with vulgarities.

Gruesome images of cats being tortured and killed will be seared into your memory. As will the scene with a bird pecking a human's eye. If that doesn’t sound like enough to deter you, this reviewer assures you there’s more. Oh so much more.

  • I punk band animated to make you cringe, laugh, shudder and/or rethink the way you spend your time.
  • Corrupt canine police force will likely echo too closely to home for some viewers. 
  • “Cats and erotic lady’s TV program."

If you thought Felidae (1994) was torture, this is so much worse.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
0.1/10 overall
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