Soul Eater - Reviews

anifan96's avatar
Jul 5, 2018

Soul Eater is basically a good if not decent series with no shortage of memorable characters and hilarious scenes.

Sadly it was ruined by the infamous final battle which I don't wanna give much away to anyone.

7/10 story
6/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
6/10 overall
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SEGHE's avatar
Sep 21, 2023

"Soul Eater" - An Anime with Style but Lacking Substance

Story (4/10): "Soul Eater" has a captivating premise—an academy that trains meisters and demon weapons to combat evil creatures and witches. However, while the concept is promising, the execution falls short. The plot is often disjointed, with numerous filler episodes that hinder the overall narrative flow. The series also struggles to deliver a satisfying conclusion, leaving several loose ends. While it has its moments of brilliance, especially in the initial arcs, the inconsistent storytelling ultimately hampers the experience.

Animation (7/10): One of the standout features of "Soul Eater" is its unique and stylish animation. The character designs, weapon transformations, and action sequences are visually striking, showcasing a distinctive gothic and macabre aesthetic. The animation quality remains consistent throughout the series, maintaining a level of engagement even during its weaker story arcs. However, the overuse of exaggerated facial expressions can become distracting at times.

Sound (6/10): The soundtrack of "Soul Eater" is memorable, with catchy opening and ending themes that contribute to the show's atmosphere. The background music effectively enhances the action and suspense, although it can be repetitive. Voice acting performances are generally solid, with characters conveying their personalities effectively. Still, the dub version may not be to everyone's taste, as some viewers may prefer the original Japanese voices.

Characters (5/10): "Soul Eater" boasts a diverse cast of characters, each with their own quirks and abilities. The central characters, including Maka, Soul, and Death the Kid, have compelling personalities and backstories. However, the character development often feels lacking, especially for secondary characters who remain one-dimensional. The anime occasionally prioritizes comedy over character growth, which can be frustrating for those seeking deeper emotional connections with the cast.

Overall (5/10): "Soul Eater" is an anime that shines brightly in terms of style and aesthetic but falls short in terms of storytelling and character development. Its inconsistent plot pacing, numerous filler episodes, and unsatisfying conclusion detract from the overall experience. However, fans of action-packed anime with a distinctive visual style may still find elements to enjoy. In comparison to the manga, some viewers may find that the source material offers a more cohesive and fulfilling story, making it worth exploring for those intrigued by the premise.

4/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
fosmic's avatar
Oct 29, 2009

soul eater is a world of a constant halloween nightmare of monsters and little girls running around with wepons, meant for reaping souls which puts on the effect that there are some seriously messed up but genuis artist out there, that know how much crazy you should put in and how much you shouldnt.

and they hit right on the dot with this show the story begins with the girl i was writing about is collecting souls for her wepon to eat(yeah i know weird right ) but she slays a witches cat instead of a witch and has to eat another hundred monster souls plus a withces again kicking off the story

8/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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xxSilencexx's avatar
Mar 19, 2010

Okay this is my first review so don't be to harsh on me! XD

Soul Eater is an anime that has stuck in my mind, because though it follows of the same conventions of a shonnen anime (eg Naruto, Bleach and D.Gray-man) it felt completly different... This was at a time in my anime watching time that I was getting sick of Bleach and Naruto, I was finding it far too repeatative and dull, but Soul Eater changed that.


Yes Soul Eater is a Shonnen Anime, basically fight-based with the main character (in this case characters) developing more abilities to help defeat the enemies that they couldn't defeat at the time. But it feels different. The idea of having weapons with a human form is akward and confusing at first but becomes well suited. The first three episodes are great perfect for getting your friends hooked on Soul Eater and Anime in general, balancing comedy with seriousness. The first three episode mostly focus on comedy though. The Story is good in a way that it alludes to something major happening, but never actually saying it until it happens. In the two Arcs of Soul Eater I found the second arc more enjoyable, except for one thing (discussed later in sound). The psychological elements of the black blood made the series enjoyable, as I personally enjoy a good deal of psychological scenes in an anime. The end also was annoying, it didn't truely satisfy me and left me wanting to see another season, so hopefully there are plans for that.


I found that the animation style of Soul Eater was fairly good, the animators paid particular attention to the fight scenes and made the movements fairly realistic, the only thing that was irratating was that the characters get majorly defeated, then miraculously get up, eventhough they coughed up 20L of blood. But Aprt from that the Animation is nice and the openings and endings were well done.


Now one thing I must make a point of.... The first opening RESONANCE is one of the best openings for an anime I have seen, I tried not to skip the opening, the upbeat, bassy tune and the rap-like singing makes the intro surprisingly catchy. I was destroyed when they changed the opening for the second arc, but after 5- 10 episodes the second opening is Paper Moon is good, but it is not RESONANCE. The Endings are quite good my favourite being the last I think it is, it has a nice feeling to it, though the clip accomping it is quite morbid. The sound used throughout the anime is good and is perfect for setting the mood, the character themes suit the characters well and the music makes the epic scene far more epic.


Soul Eater has an absolutly epic cast of Characters. Though many bare similarities to other Shonnen anime characters (Black Star = Naruto Uzumaki) (Soul Eater = Sasuke Uchiha) (Spirit = Komui Lee) (Maka = Rukia Kuchiki) they have their own individual back storys and it is great to find out about the characters. The most notable individual characters are Excalibur, Shinigami-sama and Death the Kid. The writer of Soul Eater enjoys their historic references using characters like :  Dr Frankenstien (Stien) Al Capone and Jack the Ripper, using this creates a sense of recognition, as you have heard of these people... Another character worth mentioning is Mifune, I would say he is a Tsundere character (but I'm not totally sure) and develops well. Along with the other characters I havent mention, Soul Eater offers a variety of many characters each with there unique personalities.


I enjoyed watching Soul Eater, but when it come to Anime I am still quite young, there are many animes yet that I will experience, but I will say that Soul Eater left a considerable mark on me and changed my opinion of Shonen animes, if you want something interesting, yet serious, yet comical Soul Eater is an obvious choice!

Overall Score 8/10

Take Care


7/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
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mrCorvus's avatar
Sep 2, 2011

Although I am not really into this genre, I really liked Soul Eeater. The story is of a typical shounen naruto style but it's not too long. Animation is pretty neat with some spicy details I enjoyed. The characters might not be realistic but they can make you laugh. If you like this shounen style anime I'll highly recommend Soult Eater

7/10 story
6/10 animation
5/10 sound
9/10 characters
6.8/10 overall
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