Sonny Boy - Reviews

Quints's avatar
Jan 4, 2022

I have many things to say about this anime yet there aren't nearly enough words to describe what I felt while watching it.
This review is going to be completely spoiler free and is simply a collection of my thoughts.
The story or should I say the general direction this anime takes is something I've never seen before. There is no clear goal, more just a blurry line that it keeps following. And while doing so it will keep giving you more and more questions.
Most remain unanswered and left to your imagination   
But I think that's the beauty of this story, You will feel like you understand everything yet at the same time know you don't understand a single thing.    
Story 10/10
The animation itself might not be the best you've ever seen,But it is perfect for the feeling the show is trying to create. It makes you feel a little uneasy it helps convey the feeling of the absurd situation perfectly.    
Animation 10/10
I am not a sound expert. All I can really say is that it never felt off. In the same manner that you don't think about the UserInterface of something unless it's bad.    
Sound 10/10   
Not a single character feels like a throwaway, And every character is really their own person with their own lives and reasons for their actions.   
Characters 10/10  
Overall Sonny Boy made me feel a way i have never before watching an anime.  
I hope that my rambling sparks you to give it a try, And i hope you'll love it as much as i do.  
Sonny Boy 10/10  

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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kat24u's avatar
Sep 19, 2022

I found myself thinking of this show even after finishing it quite a while ago.

It's one of those shows that really stuck with me. I loved the characters, the art, the themes. It was amazing. Sure there are other shows with better pacing, characters, and stories but this is one of the few ones that genuinely impacted me.

The OST made me emotional in unexpected places, the diolouge made me reflect on my own life, and I found myself immersed in the world.

I can't really say anything other than I loved it but understand the show isn't for everyone.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
10/10 overall
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LittleHanna's avatar
Jun 23, 2022

Imagine paprika but 12 episodes with a banger of an EP and 2020s visuals. This show is wild , in the sense that you don't know why or what is going on really. Not a bad thing in this case,as this does fall into the "mysterial af, i need to be drunk and/or on bath salts to enjoy this" kinda show.

Highly recommended that you do not try watching this sober or in one sitting.

8/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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roef's avatar
Mar 23, 2022

Everyone else who has reviewed this is either just impatient or too used to other fast paced anime. Every episode is important and so well written, yes it is slower paced nad quiet at times but its worth it, there is so much to take in the pace of it made me appreciate it more. I feel like this is one of those anime's where every time you rewatch it you realize something new. I'd definitley watch again and reccomend it to others.

10/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
10/10 overall