Sleeping with Hinako - Reviews

Alt title: Isshoni Sleeping: Sleeping with Hinako

thetickdickler's avatar
Aug 12, 2019

Training with Hinako sold really well, selling out on release day, so Studio Hibari, the company behind the first OVA, decided to make a sequel to capitalize on the first, releasing it a quick 7 months after the first. This time around, instead of exercise, you're now falling asleep with Hinako, assuming that you're all tired out from the exercises from the first one. Or you're watching her as she sleeps, depending on what you're doing under those bed covers of yours.

Much like the first OVA, Sleeping with Hinako is a few bits of original animation, like Hinako talking to you while you're both in bed, a few moments from the first OVA followed by on a scale to see if she's losing the weight, to her brushing her teeth, her dreaming about snacks, and her getting up to go to the fridge to get snacks, only for you to catch her in the act. But most of it is reused animation, mostly of Hinako sleeping (obviously). It doesn't look bad, but you can tell the budget went into a few of the scenes, and then some of it was copy and pasted until they had something long enough to press to a DVD.

It doesn't even have the interactivity of the first one. I imagine that this was released on an even tighter schedule to try and get something released to capitalize on the success of the first one. I guess you could call it a step down, but there wasn't much going on in the first one, so it's more like shuffling in place then a step down.

There isn't too much to say about this one. Once you've read the description, you've got the gist of the OVA is about, and it's pretty obvious what this is and what it's trying to do from the DVD cover alone. I guess if you're a big fan of "Training with Hinako", then this is for you. But for me, it's the weakest of the three Hinako OVAs. It has a few cute moments here and there, with the going to the fridge in the middle of the night being the best part, but most of it is just watching the same animation of someone sleeping.

All of this sitting in silence watching this makes me wonder the logistics of the world, if more people have been sucked into this anime world, or if Hinako is the only. I was so underwhelmed with this that my brain started trying to figure out the logic behind it just so my brain had something to do.

4/10 story
4/10 animation
5/10 sound
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
Omurqi's avatar
Feb 19, 2010

All the panties and cleavage Training with Hinako had to offer, but without the exciting exercise. Sleeping with Hinako pushes to borders of boredom to a whole new level, with over 25 minutes of repeated scenes of Hinako sleeping. Not pumped up yet? Neither am I.

 The 50 minutes trainwreck of drowsiness starts out reasonably exhilarating (compared to the rest of the OVA), with Hinako speaking to the viewer in her cutesy way as she tries to catch sleep. From that moment on, brace yourself, you’re looking forward towards a 25 minute scene with nothing but panty-, cleavage- and other sexy shots of Hinako as she sleeps.  After this thrilling ride, the remaining duration is filled with Hinako waking up and catching sleep again time after time, slipping in tips for a healthy sleep, which don’t surpasses commonly known facts as: “Don’t take midnight snacks” and… No wait, that was it.

There isn’t a single person out there to who I’d recommend this. Sure, I can see that this OVA tries to tackle another problem many anime fans face, just like the first one did fairly successfully. Sadly, dear viewer, I can assure you that falling asleep facing a monitor is about the worst thing you can do to your nights’ rest. Concerning my rating, I fear I might’ve grossly overrated this outrageously bad show. To its defense however, the graphics were fairly pleasing. Watching Hinako sleep was, while being pretty creepy, also fairly cute. Nevertheless, skip this. Even for the most hardcore moe-and-ecchi enthusiasts, this OVA is 50 minutes of your life wasted.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
1.5/10 overall
3 0 this review is Funny Helpful
galacticdude7's avatar
Apr 26, 2010


I thought that Training with Hinako was a boring as it could get, but boy was I wrong. Sleeping with Hinako has got to be the most boring anime that I have ever seen. I thought that exersise was boring, but watching someone sleeping is just as boring as it gets. Sure we get to see a dream or two of Hinako's, but most of the time we are just hearing her sleeping. It was so boring that I started playing game boy in the middle of it and while waiting for something interesting to happen. It is just plain boring.


Again nothing special here with the animation, but it is even more focused on her boobs and her panties than on her face than Training with Hinako was.


Hinako could be replaced with any other faceless female character with D sized boobs. There is nothing really original about her.


This has got to be my shortest review ever for one main thing. I've already said everything I needed to in my Training with Hinako review. This is completely boring. Don't even think of watching it.

0.5/10 story
3.5/10 animation
?/10 sound
3/10 characters
0.5/10 overall
1 0 this review is Funny Helpful
angelsreviews's avatar
Jul 22, 2013

((Same as Issho ni Training: Training with Hinako and Issho ni Training Ofuro: Bathtime with Hinako & Hiyoko))

Well, this is one of the perverted shows that sometimes come from Japan. It’s not hentai… although it really should be. The only real people who would be buying this would probably be very, very lonely men with much to much time on there hands who will wack off to cute little girls that look a bit to young.

The artwork and camera angles are only to show these strange little angles for a ‘better view of the training’… ya right. No girl in their right mind would let the camera get these angles if it was not to turn the viewer on. Now on a lighter note, yes… the artwork is beautiful, just used highly to sexualize her is all.

Her voice is annoying as well, the cutesy little high pitch squeak. I really could not stand most of this.

1/10 story
7/10 animation
1/10 sound
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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Hachikira's avatar
Dec 4, 2015

I found it enjoyable in both a sexual way and just a calm peaceful adorable way .   Not much more to it than that but I did appreciate that they had un recycled animation past the intro and the art is beautiful.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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