Sanctuary - Reviews

ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 15, 2024

Step into the smoke-filled world of "Sanctuary," a 1996 anime that dives deep into the ruthless political struggles and violent lives of the Japanese yakuza. Adapted from Sho Fumimura's acclaimed manga, "Sanctuary" is a neo-noir masterpiece that doesn't shy away from portraying the brutality, ambition, and complex loyalties within this criminal underworld. But be warned, its graphic content and adult themes might not be for everyone.

A Gripping Underworld Saga:

  • Power Play and Betrayal: The narrative follows two childhood friends, Akira Hojo and Chiaki Asami, who choose contrasting paths to achieve their ultimate goal of power: Akira enters the yakuza, while Chiaki aims to become the youngest member of the Japanese Diet. Witness their clash, fueled by ambition, rivalry, and a complex past, as they navigate the treacherous landscape of politics and organized crime.
  • Gritty Realism: "Sanctuary" pulls no punches in its portrayal of violence, torture, and the dark side of human nature. Prepare for a stark and realistic depiction of the yakuza world, where survival means making tough choices and sacrificing morals.
  • Jazz-Infused Atmosphere: Immerse yourself in the smoky ambiance of backroom deals and tense confrontations, accentuated by a hauntingly beautiful jazz soundtrack. The music perfectly complements the neo-noir aesthetic and heightens the emotional impact of the story.

Not for the Faint of Heart:

  • Graphic Content: Be aware that "Sanctuary" features explicit violence, sexual content, and disturbing imagery. If you're sensitive to such material, this anime might not be suitable for you.
  • Limited Character Development: While the central conflict between Akira and Chiaki is compelling, some viewers might find the supporting characters underdeveloped, lacking the depth and nuance of the protagonists.
  • Uneven Pacing: The anime's OVA format results in some episodes feeling rushed, while others drag on slightly. This can affect the overall narrative flow and pacing.

A Memorable Neo-Noir Experience:

  • Complex Morality: "Sanctuary" challenges viewers to question the lines between good and evil. It paints a nuanced picture of the yakuza world, where characters are driven by both ambition and loyalty, making them neither pure heroes nor villains.
  • Intriguing Political Commentary: The story subtly criticizes corruption and power struggles within the Japanese political system, adding another layer of depth to the narrative.
  • Unforgettable Characters: Despite some limitations, Akira and Chiaki remain compelling protagonists. Their contrasting personalities and motivations fuel the narrative and leave a lasting impression.


"Sanctuary" is a bold and uncompromising anime that dives headfirst into the complex and brutal world of the yakuza. Its stark realism, gripping narrative, and neo-noir atmosphere make it a unique and memorable experience. However, its graphic content and uneven pacing might not be for everyone. Ultimately, whether "Sanctuary" earns a thumbs-up or thumbs-down depends on your personal tolerance for violence and your appreciation for dark realism in your anime. If you're looking for a thought-provoking and visually striking neo-noir story, "Sanctuary" might just be your cup of sake (but be sure to prepare for its harsh aftertaste).

5/10 story
4/10 animation
5/10 sound
5/10 characters
6/10 overall
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Inu230's avatar
Mar 15, 2019



While the premise of having two people leading seemilgly opposite lives [politician and gangster] seems intriguing the parelles between the day to day decisons they make as well as the reasoning behind their carerr choices falls flat. Survivors of a war would have scars and a very different outlook on life, money, relatinships, and even food and music but the choices the two make just seem too ilogical - even by anime standards.

The excessive sexuality, loud music, and straight up violence leaves the viewer appalled, and perhaps a little deaf.

There was a story somewhere when this anime was being put together but somehow the creators stripped it away and left behind a poor excuse for entertainment. 

It's 40% sex, 50% violence, and 10% jazz music. That's all there really is to this.


1/10 story
2/10 animation
1/10 sound
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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chii's avatar
Oct 5, 2009

This show more feels like it was made in 1986 instead of 1996. Everything about it screams 80's, from their stylish hair to the constant random, and i mean very random sex scenes. The show started off with a full on 5 minutes of sex....

2 men make a pact with one another after going through some pretty hard times and even more to come. they lead very very different lives, one being a politician and the other being a gangster. haha very strange combo!

Guns, hits, and lots of sex surrounded by mystery. Watching this is a little confusing at times but to me it is worth a watch but try to ignore the strange and annoying music that is played during the show as it's quite terrible.

6/10 story
6/10 animation
2/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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