Sailor Moon - Reviews

Alt title: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon

ailoveanime's avatar
Sep 13, 2012

Being one of the first animes I've ever watched, of course it'd be my favorite.  I have watched all the English episodes, but none of the English subbed titled eps.  Maybe I'm just weird, but once I watch an anime in English, I can't watch it in Japanese.

The story is very unique.  I remember when I was elementary school, I wanted to be a Sailor Scout, lol.  This anime will make you laugh, cry, hurt, and happy.  The romance between Damien and Serena was pretty much funny, and perfect at the same time.

Characters - Serena is just great.  Clumsy, bit of an airhead, but loyal and strong, and will always have her friends backs.  I didn't really like Rei, she just really got on my nerves most of the time.  The other Sailor Scouts are okay.  I didn't like Sailor Saturn though.  Rene (Chibiusa) got on my nerves most of the time, but she can be okay.  Damien is the typical male in a girly anime, so I don't have much to say about him, lol.

I don't have much to say about the sound.  Same goes for animation.

Anyway, if you haven't watched this anime yet, I say you should give it a shot.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
10/10 overall
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hakura123's avatar
Feb 17, 2013

Let's not kid ourselves the dubbed Sailor Moon was pretty bad, but aside from the differing story and the overly obnoxious voice cast, it still had a decent story. The girl who seemed normal (hates school, loves food, loves video games) all of a sudden has a big change in her life. She meets her future husband, and find out the he is the meanie making fun of her then out of nowhere she meet her future child! What is wrong with this world! The story didn't get a perfect 10 because the cast is oblivious! Anytime they transform, and are around people they know, no one notices! Please watch the live action movie, as cheesy as it is the characters don't look  the same when they transform.

The characters are pretty awesome. The scouts make up almost every type of girl. The jock (Jupiter), the religous one (Mars), the actress (Venus), the brains (Mercury), and the lazy one (Moon). Of course in the later seasons there are more scouts but this review is for the first season.

As for the animation it was done well for the time. There were a few slip ups, but that is understandable for the time. Just wait until the new one comes out this year. Oh about that don't watch the 2013 Sailor Moon without watching all of the old Sailor Moon. This includes stars!!!!!

Though my moverall rating is a 6 Sailor Moon is one of the best animes of all time, and my personal favorite. So if you are into the magical girl series YOU MUST WATCH THIS!

9/10 story
9/10 animation
3/10 sound
9/10 characters
6/10 overall
Mila94's avatar
Aug 14, 2011

Sailor Moon czyli w Polsce znana jako Czarodziejka z księżyca było pierwszym anime, które emitowane było w telewizji Polsat. Pierwsze odcinki leciały już w 1993r. Niestety nie było mi dane obejrzeć pierwszych serii przygód Bunny Tsukino, ponieważ urodziłam się dopiero w 1994 r. , czyli moim pierwszym odcinkiem, którym obejrzałam był... cóż... muszę przyznać że to było w 2000 roku, czyli jak taki pięcioletni dzieciak mógł to zapamiętać... ;))

Jako mała dziewczynka "Sailorki", były dla mnie moimi idolkami, ideałami nastolatek i  obsesją!!! Nawet zaklęcie, które wypowiada Ami, czyli "mydło powidło", które teraz zdaje mi się śmieszne, wcześniej było świętością. Tak samo jak... hmm... nie wiem dla czego ale na Minako (moją faworytkę), mówiłam kiedyś "Karakandi", nie wiem co to słowo znaczy po japońsku, ale tak faktycznie na nią mówiłam.

Cóż... wróćmy do tłumaczenia się z moich niskich ocen. Po pierwsze w mojej nocie nie może dominować sentymentalność tylko obiektywizm. Sama opowieść jest dla mnie mało interesująca. Czarodziejki, które w każdym odcinku ratują świat przed królestwem ciemności, które wysysa energię z ludzi... bla bla bla... . Jedynym ciekawym plusem tej historii jest ich życie prywatne. Może na tym właśnie twórcy powinni się skupić...?

Animacja jest taka sobie. W końcu jak na tamte czasy to i tak nie jest źle. Wyaźnie widać starą kreskę i naprawdę rysowane w starym stylu tło.

O bohaterach już wspomniałam. Uwielbiałam Minako za jej urodę i bujne blond włosy. Bunny (czyli Usagi), lubiłam za jej prywatną historię "Serenity i Endymiona". Pozostałe też lubiłam...

Całość oceniam na 5, bo nawet mimo tych licznych minusów to i tak pozostaje moim pierwszym anime, które kochałam. A tak poza tym ciekawe dlaczego nasi polscy tłumacze nie zostawili japońskiego imienia Czarodziejki z Księżyca, czyli Usagi, które brzmi o wiele jepiej od angielskiego. Ludzie! Przecież to japońskie anime a nie amerykańska podróba!!!

6/10 story
5/10 animation
3/10 sound
7/10 characters
5/10 overall
gekoladie's avatar
Apr 25, 2011

I'm a sucker for Sailor Moon. It genuinely is the first anime I ever watched because the dub was on very early on Saturday mornings when I was a small child. I can still remember watching it at least 10 years on. I suppose I have to thank Sailor Moon for getting me into anime. Even though it was made before I was born, I still 'connected' with the characters in the way they were designed to - especially the costumes. As a blonde haired blue eyed child, it was my ambition (for about two weeks) to become Sailor Moon!

The story is pretty basic. Serena/Usagi meets a cat one day, it gives her a locket thing that transforms her into Sailor Moon. Tuxedo Mask, a.k.a. Darrien Shields/Mamoru appears a lot and is dark and mysterious and Serena/Usagi inevitably falls for him, there are a couple of episodes with battles in, they pick up Sailor Mercury, more battles, Sailor Mars, more battles, Sailor Jupiter, more battles, Sailor Venus and Artemis. The plot revolves around the Negaverse's evil plan to destroy the world or something, and we encounter the extremely amusing Zoicite. If you don't know, Zoicite was a man in the Japanese version but was turned into a woman in the American version. The reason? Because he was gay with Malacite, and you can't put that on American TV (apparently). That still amuses me to this day. Anyway, turns out Serena/Usagi was the Moon Princess, Darrien/Mamoru was Prince Darrien/Mamoru of Earth, they were in love, the Moon Kingdom was destroyed by the Negaverse but Queen Serenity (Serena/Usagi's mum) saved everyone by sending them to Earth to be reborn centuries later. The Negaverse captures and brainwashes Darrien/Mamoru, making him evil. At some point the Sailor Scouts/Senshi go to the North Pole where all of them except Serena/Usagi die (though apparently not from exposure, as you would if you wore a miniskirt to the North Pole). Darrien/Mamoru dies, Serena/Usagi and Queen Beryl of the Negaverse battle it out, killing both Serena/Usagi and Queen Beryl. However, the power of the silver crystal causes Serena/Usagi, Darrien/Mamoru and all the other Scouts/Senshi to be reborn but without their memories, hence season 2.


Because it's from the early 1990's, the video quality isn't great and the characters are all pretty ancient-looking and have the worst fashion sense ever, but it's worth watching, if only as the 'original' Magical Girl anime.

8/10 story
7/10 animation
10/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
Efrem's avatar
Jul 29, 2023

One of my first animes ever, and I'm proud of it. Definitely outdated, but back in the day, this stuff felt so awesome, and it has one of the most iconic openings of all time. Amazing show, despite straying from the original manga. If you want plot, go to Sailor Moon Crystal, but if you just want to have fun, this show is a great choice.

7/10 story
8/10 animation
6/10 sound
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
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