ReLIFE - Reviews

Stormbrook's avatar
Jul 11, 2016

The social aspects of thsi show take the genre to a new level. There's a lot of "meh" if you read the summary. Maybe you clicked on that first episode thought about watching it in your tabs. Surely this show has so much to offer and it's really a unique twist on the high school genre. I surely enjoyed the series due to the hillarity of it all. ( I don't want to include to many spoilers as this show is plot driven.)

Some general notes about the show. If someone binge watches it straight through you'll find it not as enjoyable because there's so much in the show that can be missed. Subtle things might actually be largely important later. 

The parts I liked about this in comparison to others as mentioned is how they take on the social aspects of living a life as if he were a high schooler. T

9/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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LastBorn's avatar
Aug 26, 2016

Is this anime for you? *Spoiler free short review*

ReLIFE: An anime about an 'adult' guy who enters a science program to better his 'adult-self' by reliving highschool life, while helping his newly made highschool friends.

A nice Anime with an interesting story. It's a light plot and entertaining due to some nice comedic scene's. I feel like it lacked some depth characterwise. It got some similarities with 'Kimi ni Todoke', but the story doesn't completely revolve around a girl being antisocial. It's more about a guy helping his high school friends. ReLife is mainly a slice of life anime with some comedy, got a tiny tiny bit of drama and a bit of romance. 

Would recommend if you:

 - like a light feel good story about normal high school life

 - would like to watch an high school anime not driven completely by love

 - like the idea of redoing an high school year while being an 'adult' 

Would not recommend if you :

 - want a complicated plot with deep character arches

 - expect the main character to develop super powers and fight to save the world 


8/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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sandydimpy0412's avatar
Sep 24, 2016

Some stories make a great impact on you. It makes you think about your decisions,friendship, commitments and how true you are to yourself. This is one of them. It shows how by taking certain actions or not taking, can change the entire chemistry of life. For the growth of a human being, the people surrounding him should also evolve. overall a very good show which makes you take a good look on your life.

10/10 story
7/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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Crua9's avatar
Mar 18, 2019

This review contains spoiler and how the ova turns out (the ending) 

The show is more than less the normal switch an adult into a kid, and put them into high school. Like the thousand movies before, they find high school changed, things are socially hard, and the adult in the kids body traits everything as a counselor because anything romantic is pedo. It completely overlooks a number of things like actual bullying from the teachers, how people get pushed aside for no reason, and how most stay in groups of 3 to.5.

Now for the spoiler. As you might know, the guy is being tested on. They select him because he is a "neet", even with min wage jobs once in a while and looking for a real job (that's kinda like calling someone retired a neet. That's just stupid.) He is told if he says anything or at the end, everyone will forget about him. The thing they didn't tell him is there is 1 other test subject who is doing the exact same thing ans they are in the same boat

The 2 fall in love with each other, but don't kiss or anything like that since they think the other is child. At the end of the show it just cuts off from there. The last ova however continued.

The actual ending:

Basically, the 2 at their own places with their own handlers were given a selection of external jobs to select from. They both took a pill which made them into adults, and made them forget each other only (for whatever reason). They both basically decided to work for the company relife. It showed them living their business life, and then credits  After the credits (thanks to the comments on VRV btw telling people to keep watching). The 2 meet up outside of some restaurant. They don't recognize each other until they started talking for a few minutes. Then their memories started flooding back. After which they had each other. Litterally it used a fin after that 

So why would a company do a study like this? How is it profitable? Why block out memories of only the other test subjects? Did the guys/girls family and friends not stop by, call, or just run into them? Again, what was the benefit of only blocking out the memories of the 2 teat subjects from each other other than run time? Why not tell the 2 test subjects at the end about each other? 

My other problem is this tries to be a happy story. But think about who loses out. 

The company gets what they want. 

The handler/a keep their memories and can hook up (and end up doing) 

The kids the subject /s helped out actually are helped and the ones that hooked up actually stay together

The subjects get screwed because if it wasn't for them randomly running into each other outside of the restaurant. They would of kept feeling some emotional hole. They would be hunting for each other without actually knowing who or what they are hunting for  And again, why hide the 2 from each other? What is the benefit? Even if say the pills would wipe their minds no matter what. Aren't the handlers and company monsters for not asking before they took the pill if they want to remember each other. And then telling them after they woke up.

Oh and BTW they try to keep it a secret who is the 2 test subject. It isn't that hard to guess. Looking at the show icon picture tells you 

2/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
8/10 characters
3/10 overall
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ultrawolf3579's avatar
Feb 7, 2020

I know that this is gonna sound realy cliche but relife is one of those animes where you will laugh and cry as you watch. It really makes you think and gives you a new perspective all while you watch an incredible anime with and amazing storyline and great characters. If you havent watched relife already then do it! Its brilliant and amazing, somthing that will never leave you. <3

10/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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