Reign of the Seven Spellblades - Reviews

Alt title: Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai suru

ShiroLee's avatar
Oct 17, 2023

The protagonist is dissolved through episodes and makes for makeshift story telling. Visuals are nice. There's one showing of the 'spellblade' skill and then isn't referenced later so the title feels misleading.  Maybe with more time the story would grab me more, but for now... something else.

2/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
alexgausa's avatar
Oct 29, 2023

This anime is interesting but they spend WAY too much time on emotional baggage.  The anime focuses on the characters and neglects the storyline, and the focus on the characters is one of dealing with a lot of emotions.  The anime does focus a lot on modern day contraversial topics some would call them political some would say moral some would say rights, etc etc.  This anime thus will offend some so be aware of that, and others it will have them adoring it.  Personally I prefer anime that tries to stay away from contraversial topics that are not needed in the first place in anime.  The characters are a unique lot for sure, it is more of a Harry Potter mixed with activists view points to try to make this anime work.  Most of the Sword Rose characters are good people but have underline emotional problems that are brought up over and over and over again in the season.  The focus on such feelings takes away from any possible world building as you have a lot of each episode dedicated to talking about ones problems and feelings.  This also makes it so the story does not flow very well, if they had focused on say one or two people with problems being helped with their friends and upper classmen it might have been a better story.  Since everyone has problems and emotional baggage and they like to talk about it and the story revolved around it, they miss opportunities to make the environment/story/plot better.  The coloring and animation of this is very well done, the voice actors/actresses do a good job, and I like the intro scene which makes it seem like this anime will be very interesting.  I would say this is a filler anime, it is not terrible or bad, but it is not good either.  Enjoy!

4/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
6/10 characters
5/10 overall
JustAkeno's avatar
Jan 16, 2024

An above-average anime due to the plethora of characters, many of which have had some backstory provided to them. However, there's only one other good/unique thing about this anime and it's that the final arc of this season was pretty unique and interesting. But besides that, I cannot think of any other good things about this anime.

I enjoyed it, but I did feel slightly bored at times. I think the only reason anyone should seek the source material is to make sure that this adaptation wasn't bad in comparison to the source material, because oftentimes that's a very real possibility.


5.5/10 story
5.5/10 animation
5.5/10 sound
5.5/10 characters
5.5/10 overall
MrValgard's avatar
Dec 27, 2023

One of most dissapointing anime in it's season. Good (yet not fresh) premise of magic school with detailed magic learning, and secrect organisations in background. Just to throw vangeful stance of MC for power of love. For real who though it's good idea to justifice psychos who murder other students for various reason like trauma/inmaturity/instincts etc. nothing justifice crime, and 'power of love' won't change psycho mind. This propaganda of 'stay passive against violence' align with other woke elements in show. Line and spell effects was nice but animation lacking, even brightest 'UmU' character was plagiarized. Only good thing in this show is music.

2/10 story
6/10 animation
8/10 sound
2/10 characters
4/10 overall
MidnightLace's avatar
Jan 15, 2024

This was a great anime. I enjoyed a lot about this anime: the world building, magic system, some of the magic classes, and the multi-specie characters — it may not be the unique or different in terms of originality, but it was still pretty good.

The plot did feel somewhat chaotic to the point where I was wondering where the hell this was leading to, but everything flowed together and smoother than I thought. Especially with how the school system is set up; they state from the very beginning that it does not promise safety, only results. Which is kinda terrifying, considering how the school turns into a freaking death trap infested labyrinth where people could encounter danger at every corner. But that it made the story all the more interesting  for the six main characters.


My only issue is: The main character’s revenge came out of no where (which was a welcomed plot twisted that made me invested in the anime more), but came to an abrupt stop. His whole purpose for going to the school was to get revenge and kill the people who were responsible for his mother’s death. He killed one person, but then stopped. I mean I understand, being patient as to not draw attention to himself. But he contradicts himself, making himself seem average on paper, but being exceptional in person. But wondering one of his first target didn’t see it coming until the second the main character brought it up, I think he would be in the clear (lol). Also, where  the hell did the random army/followers come from and why are they following him.

7/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
6/10 characters
7.5/10 overall