Rain Town - Videos

Rain Town Episode 1

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Anime-Planet users recommend these anime for fans of Rain Town. All available to watch right here, right now!

100 Byou Cinema: Robo to Shoujo (Kari)

1 person thinks you'll like this

Taek Taek says

If you liked 100 Byou Cinema, and you especially liked the robots, then maybe Rain City is worth a go for you. Both of these shows are short and can be easily slotted into your day, both of them look at a future where robots are a common appearance. Rain City takes a more melancholic look into the idea, whereas 100 Byou[...] looks at it through more comedic eyes.

Both of them also utilise unconventional art styles.

Rain and Fish

Rain and Fish

One rainy day a boy was waiting sulkily at a bus stop. Pitter-patter, raindrops leap and make waves in a puddle. Watching it, he saw something jumped. When the boy looked into the puddle, there was a red fish swimming. It is a story of a red fish a boy saw on a rainy day.

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ShinShini ShinShini says

A rainy world through the lenses of a child. Both shorts are presented similarily whimsical and artistic, and leave you with an optimistic, nostalgic feeling.