Prison School - Reviews

Alt title: Kangoku Gakuen

SniffleSniff's avatar
Jul 6, 2023

Ridiculous and inappropriate for anyone younger. I am not a fan of ecchi and almost hentai like anime but this one made me laught a lot so it's definitely an exception. Don't go and watch it with your parents for sure. As someone who laughts at inappropriate and "dirty" jokes I just have to give it thumbs up. I must admit sometimes it was really getting uncomfortable but in the end I think it was great.

8/10 story
9.3/10 animation
?/10 sound
8/10 characters
8.7/10 overall
tomx2's avatar
Sep 7, 2017

A well-liked anime with ecchi scenes, very good humor and a sympathetic animation.

7/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
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macdog's avatar
Sep 20, 2022

I wanted to take some time to recognize one of the funniest animes ever...

I literally love the animation style and the overall comedy of the show it's undoubtedly hilarious no matter what.



literally one character shit his pants due to dedication and later started rapping insults at someone in a psychotic way... I laughed so hard because I wasn't at all expecting this.

9/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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weenalina's avatar
Jul 28, 2023

although this anime was really weird it was super funny imo lmaoo i reccomend if u want a laugh (but it does have a lot of weird sexual scenes)

5/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
5/10 characters
6/10 overall
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HikenNoAsxce's avatar
Feb 14, 2023

Best Softcore Hentai is now an actual anime. 

Prison school is a well-written story about a bunch of inmates trying to escape an unfair (school) prison. Everything from the inmate escape plan to the manipulations from the student council are well executed. You genuinely want to root for the 5 inmates to be able to get their freedom. There is surprisingly a lot more heart to this anime about jiggly butts and boobies.

The only problem is the show is FULL of Raunchiness. Seriously every frame is a beautifully animated shot of some girl's body. If judged on the merits of a regular anime, this show is sexist trash with cheap humor. BUTT as a softcore hentai, It has great animation, very sexy ladies, some fun humor, and a kickass story. 

As long as you know what the show is and go into it with the softcore hentai mindset, you will have a good time. Otherwise, it's just a sexist trash anime, that uses the sexual assault of women as comedy material. Our main inmates ended up in the school prison because they were trying to sneak a peek into the girls' bath—a LITERAL CRIME. 

I seriously recommend this anime over some other Isekai Harem Trash, where the MC gets a child bride by episode 3 or is buying slaves and pretending that its ok since he's a "good guy"

8/10 story
10/10 animation
7/10 sound
6/10 characters
8/10 overall
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