Princess Mononoke - Reviews

Alt title: Mononoke Hime

OtakuMeFurLife's avatar
Mar 18, 2015

Honestly, I think princess monoke is an amazing studio ghibli movie and I really recommend people to watch it if they havent. 

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
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puredemonfighter88's avatar
Apr 17, 2021

This movie is PERFECT! A true masterpiece by Hayao Miyazaki. I even heard it played a hand in inspiring Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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xida2t's avatar
Sep 24, 2020

This film almost turned me vegan. Damn hoomans.

No one learned their lesson, except the audience. What was the point?

6/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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BecomingSage's avatar
Mar 17, 2024

I adore Studio Ghibli's work and Miyazaki's imagination. But somehow this movie doesn't hit me as other movies. The movie seemed like the same old conflict between human greed and nature. I can understand why people like the duality of nature that is shown very well but shouldn't this movie be considered an average movie. If the point of the movie was to entertain then I don't think the story was coherent enough to accomplish that. If the point was to teach a moral lesson then it didn't come across because the characters didn't have to learn it. I just didn't get it basically. 

Am I the only one who didn't like this movie? Maybe I need to watch it again to understand that everyone except me understood and gave this movie an excellent rating.

3/10 story
6/10 animation
5/10 sound
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
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ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 13, 2024

"Princess Mononoke," directed by the renowned Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli, stands as a monumental piece in the world of animation. Set in the late Muromachi period of Japan, this epic film explores the themes of nature versus industrialization, the complexity of morality, and the quest for peace amidst conflict. With its stunning visuals, deep narrative, and compelling characters, "Princess Mononoke" not only captivates the audience but also invites them to ponder the delicate balance between humanity and the natural world.

Forest Spirits and Human Hearts

  • Visual Mastery: The animation in "Princess Mononoke" is breathtaking, showcasing Studio Ghibli's commitment to quality and detail. The depiction of ancient Japan's lush forests, teeming with mythical creatures, contrasts sharply with the industrialized human settlements, creating a visual representation of the film's central conflict.
  • Complex Characters: Each character in the film is richly developed, transcending the typical hero-villain dichotomy. Ashitaka, San (Princess Mononoke), Lady Eboshi, and the other characters operate in moral grey areas, making them relatable and their dilemmas poignant.
  • Narrative Depth: The story is a complex tapestry of themes such as environmentalism, the consequences of human progress, and the search for personal and societal balance. It challenges viewers to consider the impact of their actions on the world around them.

The Thorns of Progress

  • Pacing Wilderness: While the film's narrative is its strength, its pacing can sometimes feel uneven, with certain segments dragging on or feeling rushed. This might challenge the viewer's engagement, especially those less familiar with Miyazaki's storytelling style.
  • Moral Complexity: The deep moral questions and lack of clear-cut answers might be unsettling for some. "Princess Mononoke" doesn't shy away from depicting the harsh realities of its themes, which can leave the audience grappling with its conclusions long after the viewing.

Echoes of the Forest

  • Soundtrack Symphony: Joe Hisaishi's score for "Princess Mononoke" is nothing short of iconic. The music beautifully complements the film's epic scope and emotional depth, enhancing the storytelling and the immersive experience of the ancient world.
  • Cultural Resonance: Beyond its immediate narrative, the film taps into broader themes of Shinto beliefs, the spirit of nature, and Japanese folklore. This cultural layer adds depth and authenticity to the story, making it a rich study in mythology and spirituality.


"Princess Mononoke" is a masterful exploration of the relationship between humans and the natural world, told through the lens of a captivating fantasy. Its breathtaking animation, complex characters, and profound thematic questions make it a standout film not only in Studio Ghibli's catalog but in the realm of animated features worldwide. While its pacing and moral ambiguity may pose challenges for some viewers, the film's ability to provoke thought and evoke emotion solidifies its status as a timeless classic that resonates with audiences of all ages.

7/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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