Pokemon Movie 3: Spell of the Unown - Reviews

Alt title: Pokemon Movie 3: Kesshou Tou no Teiou Entei

LittleChomp's avatar
Jul 15, 2010

Anime in 200 Words: Pokemon Movie 3: Spell of the Unown

Premise: Ash and his pokemon are minding their own business when something bad happens, and it’s up to them to save the day! In this case, a peaceful town has been completely changed by a legendary pokemon and a little girl’s dreams. As usual, no one is actually evil, so things can be resolved by battling until your opponent will listen to reason.

Ash’s Trio: It’s still the original three, so fans of Brock and Misty can rejoice.

Team Rocket: Hard to believe it, but by now, Team Rocket knows that they’re laughingstocks! I’m serious! They’ve got dialogue like “I wonder if we’ll get more screen time in the next movie,” and “We may not have won this time, but we’ll get a chance to fail again next time!” All of a sudden, they’re breaking the fourth wall for comic relief!

Pokebattles: Decent action, but there’s surprisingly few battles in this movie. Oddly enough, their screen time has been filled by plot. Weird, huh?

Overall: Most viewers will already know what they’re getting: rare pokemon, Ash and friends battling, and everyone leaving with smiles. It’s typical, but not bad.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
4/10 overall