Poco's Udon World - Reviews

Alt title: Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari

KN155's avatar
Jan 8, 2020

i was not expecting something supernatural as it appeared to be a simple anime plot and it has a sad ending. also i thought they both gonna be together forever and ever or atleast MC would be married at the end of the series but such thing never happened.overall it was great and emotional !

7/10 story
9/10 animation
10/10 sound
7.5/10 characters
8/10 overall
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SEGHE's avatar
Sep 19, 2023

Poco's Udon World - A Heartwarming Journey of Discovery

Story (8/10): "Poco's Udon World" offers a heartwarming and unique story that revolves around Souta Tawara, a web designer who returns to his hometown after his father's passing. There, he discovers a mysterious child named Poco, who happens to be a shape-shifting tanuki. The series beautifully explores themes of family, responsibility, and the importance of cherishing one's roots. As Souta unravels the mysteries surrounding Poco, the narrative takes unexpected yet touching turns. While some may find the pacing slow, it allows for a deeper exploration of the characters and their connections.

Animation (7/10): The animation in "Poco's Udon World" is visually pleasing, capturing the essence of the rural town and its serene surroundings. The character designs are simple yet effective, and the scenes featuring the charming tanuki transformation are particularly delightful. While it may not be the most visually stunning anime, its art style complements the overall tone of the series.

Sound (7/10): The sound design in "Poco's Udon World" is well-executed, with a soothing and nostalgic background score that fits the rural setting perfectly. The voice acting brings the characters to life, and the emotional moments are conveyed effectively. The opening and ending themes contribute to the warm and comforting atmosphere of the series.

Characters (8/10): The characters in "Poco's Udon World" are its greatest strength. Souta's journey of self-discovery and the bond he forms with Poco are heartwarming and relatable. The supporting characters in the town add depth to the narrative and offer insights into the themes of community and acceptance. Poco's innocent and playful nature contrasts beautifully with Souta's more reserved personality, creating a dynamic that drives the story.

Overall (7/10): "Poco's Udon World" is a charming and emotionally resonant anime that celebrates the importance of family, friendship, and rediscovering one's roots. While it may not be action-packed or filled with dramatic twists, its simplicity is its strength. It's a slice-of-life series that invites viewers to slow down and appreciate life's small joys. My overall score of 7/10 reflects my appreciation for its heartwarming narrative and endearing characters. While I haven't compared it to the manga or novel, as a standalone anime, "Poco's Udon World" is a delightful and touching experience.

8/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Jaguarx's avatar
Jul 21, 2019

I jumped into this anime knowing literally nothing about it really, was only expecting food and comedy combined, yet I was touched by the interaction between characters and its storyline. It was relatable to me given I'm away from my family and friends in chase for a better life, I even cried tons of time during the story. It gets cringy at times when overmentioning values of family, but is a great anime nonetheless. PLUS POCO-CHAN IS ADORABLE! So it'll defo worth your time.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
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LittleMaddox's avatar
Feb 2, 2019

<h1 class="ellipsis">Poco's Udon World</h1>

What a great anime, Amazing story and animation, I highly recommened this anime at first I thought I wouldn't be able to get into it as it isn't my type of anime but boy was I wrong. There is a lot of feelings in it and one of the best story lines, it shows that you should make the most of your family when you can as when they are gone you will wish you spoke to them more.

Thanks to this anime I think I will try harder to talk to my Dad as I left him to go off to do what I wanted but he didn't agree. After seeing this anime I now know if something happens I will regret talking to him, I want to thank the creators for this.

Don't take your family for granted, you will one day regret it, I know I would.

Signed: Mr Zeke

8/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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legalheartbreaker's avatar
Jul 21, 2020

I highly recommend this anime! This is now one of my favourites! I absolutely loved all the characters, and the overall feels were so beautiful. The anime is based on friendship, guilt, regret, love, bonds and reminiscence and nostalgia. The opening and closing themes are so beautiful, and the additional short stories, in the end, are heartwarming! I would love to have a sequel to this anime!

9/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.7/10 overall
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