Plunderer - Reviews

moonshawdow444's avatar
Feb 23, 2021

The show took a few episodes before it really got me interested so you have to stick with it I think it took me first 6 episodes to really understand what was going on in the story and would it be interesting. The overall story line I found very good and wholesome that came together by the end. It was a slightly new take from other stories I have read or watched before. The character development kept me interested for a few. While you can mostly figure it out on your own there was nice little twists in the show I found. The downside for me mainly about this is the commical moments are taken a little to far and don't flow with show always. It always ends up being promiscuous. If you are bored and need a new show that has action, adventure, and humor definetly give it a go.

8/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
YaBoyUneven's avatar
Feb 10, 2021

Not a serious anime and I'd prefer it stayed that way. It's story doesn't make much sense and it's not a good anime. It's not a good anime in the sense that it's not well made. But I really enjoyed it and I'd like to see another season.

2/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
8/10 characters
6/10 overall
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grope1her1oppai's avatar
Jan 3, 2022

It has an actually good and fresh story and awesome fanservice. Protagonist is a fucking chad, he be groping and molesting bitches left and right. I love it.

9/10 story
10/10 animation
?/10 sound
9/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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kyokyochan's avatar
Jun 21, 2022

Quick Review - 

If you wanted an in depth anime with adherence to the rules of the world, look elswehere. Plunderer fails terribly at even exacting its base premise of a world ruled by numbers, and quickly gets off the rails with needless and ridiculous amounts of ecchi bullshit that completely undermines the actual plot at every chance it can possibly do so.

If you wanted a fantasy world or medieval anime - look somewhere else again! Because it turns into your basic academy anime for half of the first season, compeltely changed tempo, and while it introduces reasons and new character dynamics, it falls so far short of remaining interesting.

I don't even want to watch the last two episodes, because frankly they've lost me. The amount of fan service ruined this show. The premise of numbers ruling others doesn't even come up but twice in the entire thing, when it's what they say the world revolves around. They're arbitrary and constantly changing to higher and more ridiculous numbers that make it not even matter.


2/10 story
5/10 animation
5/10 sound
2/10 characters
3.5/10 overall
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Liluchka's avatar
Feb 11, 2022

This is your typical overpowered male character, weak female characters type of shounen. I'm not one to drop an anime, but this is just so utterly boring and predictable that there is no point in watching it. The internalized misogyny is all I see here - the female characters' outfits, the way they act, the lack of character development. It all comes to one character saving the every situation. There is no trill or excitement in this anime. 

1/10 story
3/10 animation
3/10 sound
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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