Pet Shop of Horrors - Reviews

GHXSTCAM's avatar
Apr 21, 2021

-minor spoiler warning-

If this Anime was re-made, in 2021 I bet it would have great potential.

I love how it slowly tells different character's stories by what they brake in the pet contract due to their shortcomings/imperfections.(for example the first episode, the mother has troubles being assertive/saying no and ended up breaking the 3rd rule of the contract). Count D is a really mysterious, structured character that I wish they explored into more, he really MADE the anime good- and I also wish the detective was as likable. There would be times I would get pretty annoyed by him.

I don't want to judge the animation too much, since it is from the 90s, but there was some awkward moments like eye contact and gasps lasting a little bit too long than they should.

Overall, a good, short anime I highly recommend.

10/10 story
7/10 animation
9/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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