One-Punch Man - Reviews

jfairall's avatar
Aug 30, 2017

It is a really basic story line, average style and quality for the time it was created. It has lots of cheap, basic jokes. Either you will find it hilarious or rather dumb. 

6/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
4/10 characters
9/10 overall
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HauntedHouse05's avatar
Aug 17, 2020

This is the best anime ive ever watched and ive seen it 4 times now. its the funniest anime ive ever scene while still being action packed. i loved both seasons and cant wait for more. saitama is one of the greatest anime characters of all time (at my opinion)and all of the other characters like genos, tasumaki, mumen rider, etc they are all amzing. i fully recomend you watch this all the way through.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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SEGHE's avatar
Sep 19, 2023

One-Punch Man: A Disappointing Dive into Superhero Satire

Story (5/10): "One-Punch Man" is often hailed for its unique take on the superhero genre. It follows the story of Saitama, an ordinary man who becomes a hero for fun and can defeat any opponent with a single punch. While the initial premise is intriguing and humorous, the story's execution leaves much to be desired. The series struggles to maintain a compelling narrative as it leans heavily on the same one-joke premise. There are moments of brilliance, but they are often overshadowed by repetitive battles and a lack of character development.

Animation (8/10): Where "One-Punch Man" excels is in its animation. The fight scenes are beautifully choreographed and animated with great attention to detail. The character designs, particularly the monstrous villains, are creative and well-executed. The animation studio Madhouse did an outstanding job bringing the action sequences to life, which is one of the series' redeeming qualities.

Sound (6/10): The sound design is serviceable, with fitting background music and sound effects during action sequences. Voice acting performances are decent, with Saitama's deadpan delivery adding humor to the character. However, some supporting characters' voices are overly dramatic, which can be distracting.

Characters (3/10): This is where "One-Punch Man" disappoints the most. While Saitama's character is amusing as the bored hero who can defeat anyone effortlessly, the show fails to develop its other characters. Many heroes and villains feel one-dimensional and lack depth. The lack of character progression and exploration is a missed opportunity in a series that could have delved into the psychology of heroes and their motivations.

Overall (4/10): Despite its initial promise, "One-Punch Man" falls flat due to its inability to evolve beyond its core gag. While the animation and action sequences are outstanding, they can't compensate for the lackluster story and underdeveloped characters. Fans of the superhero genre might find some enjoyment in its satirical take, but those looking for a more engaging narrative may be left wanting.

(Comparative Note: "One-Punch Man" is based on a webcomic that was later adapted into a manga and anime. The manga provides a more detailed story, and some fans prefer it over the anime adaptation.)

5/10 story
8/10 animation
6/10 sound
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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rashmisingh670's avatar
Jul 16, 2021

This was the first manga I had read and when they released the anime, I HAD to watch it! I absolutely loved the anime as well. They were able to capture the essence of the manga to a bit. The series (no. of episodes per season, characters shown etc) might not be enough for the people who have read the manga and I was very eagerly waiting for Garou to show up, but overall it was a good watch. It has both lighthearted comedy and extreme violence mixed together.

9/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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yodreams1's avatar
Dec 10, 2018

anime-planet it would be nice if you guys made a dub version for  one punch man its hard reading subtitles and focusing on whats going on

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
10/10 overall
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