Nisekoi: - Reviews

Alt title: Nisekoi: False Love 2

Wyr3d's avatar
Nov 11, 2015

A whole season of filler. Nuff said. Yeah, well basically it's not bad and all, but if you were hoping for continuation of the plot from season one, you won't find it.

This season does little more than add a few pointless background characters that don't really stand out all that much in any case. The MC gets his locket (still broken) back from the shop in episode one, and that's about it. Everything from there is filler, and at one point (episode 8, first half) unexplained tangent drivel.

At a guess, I'd say this was a stop-gap series complied of filler from the LN, Manga or just made up by the dev crew. As has been said in other reviews, the first episode starts off where the first season finishes - then fails to move foward.

It's not so much that it was written poorly, so much as it just wasn't written to begin with. Probably. That's the problem with successful anime. The fans want more, and the devs want to give in to that (and reap profits) but if the storyline hasn't progressed, the result is generic trash like this.

The first season was awesome, and the storyline, while lagging at times, had direction. This season was a joke. I guess we can only hope that the third season (should there be one) continues the story proper, or just give up on the anime and read the LN's, and manga

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
5/10 overall
Chewiejds's avatar
Aug 12, 2015

Spoilers for the season to follow:
Honestly, what was that season? It felt like it was written by different people. It was really good, and I enjoyed myself through most of the episodes, but season one of Nisekoi was on an entirely different comedic level above this, and over most other anime. I laughed a lot during this season, but during last season, I couldn't stop laughing, and I was laughing much harder too! Not only that, but, while it's not like this show had the best story, it was still a story I was invested in, and in this season the plot was nearly non existent. It's almost like, in that episode where Raku told the girls that he got his locket back, he was just like "Let's not worry about that!" as in, let's not worry about the plot for the rest of this season! What the hell? And what gives with the random characters that were added to the show who were given such little character development. Haru was probably the only one who was given enough screen time, but just barely. I mean, Haru's friend, Fu was in the intro, and she maybe got like 2 scenes! Was this season planned to be longer? Why was it only 12 episodes anyways? What gives with that!? Ugh. I suppose I could forgive it, if this is the writers ensuring us that there's no need to worry about about the plot, when there's much more Nisekoi to come, but if this is where show ends, and there's no season 3, I will be beyond disappointed. I'm already so disappointed. Even though I enjoyed this season so much that I watched it all in much less than a day! Because after all, a Nisekoi season 2 that isn't as good as Nisekoi season 1 is still a really great Nisekoi, but still. I'm still really disappointed.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
AlexanPT's avatar
Dec 29, 2019

By now the cows sure have run dry...

Barely any story, filler episodes until the end, this could've ended

in its' first season but they sure like to stall.

12 episodes felt longer than 20. Fact.

3/10 story
8/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
1/10 overall
Gzerble's avatar
Oct 16, 2016

Right. As if anyone expected something that isn't more of the same. Seriously, Nisekoi isn't going to, and shouldn't, change. So it didn't. Yay?

Here we get a clearer direction: it goes full on slice of life, and drops the flimsy pretense of an actual plot. This is a harem show for crying out loud, it isn't as if a plot is necessary anyways. Go watch some adult BS for that. Everyone else will expect constant excuses for why nothing changes, a bit of fan service, and some gorgeous art.

This isn't what you signed up for? Then how did you get past the first season? Seriously, this show isn't about things like real content. Nisekoi laughs at the concept and will instead give you yet another bath scene. This is full-on fluff OVA material from start to finish.

... and you know what? That's great. Nisekoi manages to stay true to its roots, and gives us more of what we liked. Naturally, if I didn't dislike so much about it, that would have made it a favorite of mine, but hey, what can you do.

2/10 story
9/10 animation
6.5/10 sound
4/10 characters
6.6/10 overall
Nidrax's avatar
Aug 5, 2018

So unsatisfying. While the first season got me really hooked in, the second one is just a big waste of time.

Really dull, and doesn't practically move the plot forwards at all. The only thing we got are like... two new characters?

If they manage to release the third season, then you can skip this one completely and you will be missing barely anything.

2/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
5/10 characters
4/10 overall