My Hero Academia - Reviews

Alt title: Boku no Hero Academia

Kamisama97's avatar
Mar 30, 2020

All I can say is this: just everything about this anime is perfect, and I don't have anything to complain about! Let's talk about why this anime is amazing and why you SHOULD be watching it.

Let's start off with the plot, without heading into spoiler territory of course. Fourteen year old Izuku Midoriya wants to become a hero more then anything, but he was born 'Quirkless,' meaning he was born without a superpower which is known in this universe as a 'Quirk.' At the start, everything just seems to spiral down really quickly, and things start to look bad for Midoriya. But after meeting the number one hero, All Might, Izuku receives a quirk from him and begins his life as a hero-in-training in the prestigious school, U.A. High. It's an interesting plot for sure, but the story wasn't what I expected it to be- it exceeded my expectations, and pretty soon I was hooked. There is no turning back once you get yourself hooked to this series!

Next, let's talk about the character development. At first, our protagonist seemed like some kind of pathetic crybaby, didn't he? Well look at him now, popular and loved among most otakus. The same goes for the other characters, including the minor ones. In fact, the minor ones get a whole lot of screen time, which is why there is a whole range of different characters which are favoured by the fans of this series. Not to mention that several characters have tragic backstories, and still somehow manage to grow up into a character with a pretty awesome life. If that isn't awesome character development, then I don't know what is.

Afterwards, let's talk about the anime's unique style. Kōhei Horikoshi does have a unique art style, doesn't he? The style of My Hero Academia is somehow simple, yet it still somehow manages to look stunning. This is a favourable factor for artists, as they get to easily draw their favourite characters from the series. Each character possesses their own unique style- their own unique features that makes them stand out from the rest. From bizarre hairstyles to sharp teeth or extra body parts and inhuman builds, the characters of My Hero Academia are all unique in their own way.

This anime is said to become one of Shonen Jump's next big three, and I am roughly 100% sure that it will become one of the big three. My Hero Academia has probably become one of the most popular anime in the last two to three years, with fans excitedly and impatiently waiting for upcoming seasons and being blown away by its amazing events. The anime has been rapidly gaining a large amount of fans since its anime adaptation was first aired in 2016. With its amazing storyline, unique characters and amazing quality, I am sure that My Hero Academia will develop into an amazing anime that weebs and otakus alike will grow to talk about for the next several years into the future. There is absolutely no reason for one to hate this anime series.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
trashcan007's avatar
Dec 17, 2023

An annoying high school action comedy anime. Yeah, I said it.

I admit, there are a few decent action scenes scattered here and there, but nothing outstanding. The animation is good, but that alone doesn’t carry the anime to “automatic greatness.”

The plot was generic. I didn’t like the wannabe-comedy. I found the characters especially annoying. 

Copy and paste backstories, mindless bullying, a loser MC who turns into an OP MC, a convenient love interest, etc etc.Maybe I’ve just hit my anime trope tolerance limit, but this particular anime felt extra annoying. 

The convenient occurrences were “eye-roll worthy.” The fantasy was also a little too out there for me.

I eventually dropped it after becoming so annoyed. It was a 3/10 overall. For action comedies, try Cowboy Bebop, Spy X family, Cells at work, or Trigun.

2/10 story
7/10 animation
2/10 sound
1/10 characters
3/10 overall
333dle333's avatar
Feb 11, 2021

I have to give my hero props, it was the first anime i'd ever watched back in 2016. For me personally it's amazing, the battle scenes are really well drawn and the characters all have been portrayed very well. I really disliked Bakugo at the start but he's grown on me and i think lots of people can agree with me! I'm also reading the manga & simply cannot wait for some fututre scenes to be animated, it's your typical hero vs villain show but it just holds a special place in my heart. The characters are so sweet and i'm of similar age to them so it's easy for me to watch. I don't really undertstand why this show gets so much hate, it's oddly funny in some parts. I watch it occasionally with my mum in my living room & even she enjoys it. If you haven't watched it i really reccomend you do!

9/10 story
10/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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Kingofthekickasses's avatar
Aug 21, 2016

This is one of the best animes i watched in my entire anime filled life! I got to say this anime gave me the fills and chills when i watched the first two episodes and when all might fought that bird creature thing. Me and my little could help but to watch it over and over and love it even more from the music through the story.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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GojoSatoru321's avatar
May 7, 2023

the first season of my hero academia was good. it was the basic origin story of the main character. And that is what every superhero anime/manga needs. the characters were amazing and i really loved the plot line for this anime.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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