Moriarty the Patriot - Reviews

Alt title: Yuukoku no Moriarty

BlackCatLef's avatar
Dec 21, 2020

3S reviews no.7 (short, simple and sweet/salty/spicy)

So, it wasn’t a great season for anime, very few were worth watching, Moriarty the patriot is one of those few. Its about Moriarty, the well-known Sherlock antagonist, this time though Sherlock is the antagonist and Moriarty is the protagonist, or kind of, at least that’s what I can tell you without spoiling anything.

Here is how the story goes. Moriarty and his brother have a deep hate towards nobles who treat low class people like shit, commit horrible crimes and get away with it thanks to their social privileges. So they take it personally to get rid of all these horrible nobles. They find people that have been abused by nobles one way or another and really wish those nobles dropped dead. Moriarty carefully plans out a scheme that have the people that seek revenge execute it. They kill the noble with their own hands, and then get away with it cause of the masterful plan, they take revenge so they are happy, evil nobles die so Moriarty is happy, everyone is happy. Later in the show when Sherlock is introduced, they test him, and decide to use him, cause what they were achieving so far was just getting rid of them, but now if they use Holmes’ investigation skills, they can also reveal their evil deeds. Clearly an upgrade to their masterplan.

Story sounds interesting and intriguing but there are some flaws. Motives are not always that strong, like even the motive of the whole premise isn’t that plausible, the fuckin deep hatred that all the nobles seem to have towards low class isn’t always plausible, especially their stepbrother’s hate at such an age can’t be really justified, neither their other stepbrother’s (the good one’s) decision to just go fuck it lets do it, lets burn this thing down and kill the nobles I got your back homie ain’t really plausible. That said, they are not completely far-fetched either. The same thing goes for the victim/killers, they aren’t exactly believable persons, having a motive is one thing, but following a plan that a stranger told you without any hiccups, second thoughts or something like that is another. You see the show is about morals, doing the right thing, in a wrong way, and the moral issue is sometimes a little iffy. Like killing a noble that molested and murdered children, yeah, fuck that guy, I’d pull the trigger for you if you’d like me to. But they killed a noble because he didn’t help a worker of his when he needed him for his sick child. I mean sure, fuck that guy he is scum, but generalize it to another level, can you really say that someone deserves to die because he did not help someone who needed him? You tell me I guess. Another time an (seemingly at least) innocent person is killed, in order to frame a scummy noble. So sacrfices have to be made i guess? Up to you if that's something you concur with.

Now, for the juice of the show, the crimes, the mystery, the cat and mouse games. They are enjoyable. Story telling is good, events are well thought out, not always to perfection, some stuff are a little iffy but it’s plausible overall. I could name a few hiccups, but that’s what the show is all about, I am not gonna spoil it. Pacing is a little slow, just a bit, not enough to turn you down but enough to not keep you in the edge of your sit.

Characters are probably the weakest part of the show. They are not annoying or anything, they are just shallow, they are mono-dimensional. There is little to none in terms of development so far, but there is still some hope that this will change in the future. As I said earlier, characters are defined by the morals, their ideals, their motives for acting they way they act. And sometimes all of these are a little iffy. They don’t feel like real characters, they are just plot puppets, merely acting to unfold the plot. So, don’t expect any real characters here, it is a heavily plot oriented show. Having said that, at least the plot makes their actions plausible enough so that it doesn’t throw you off.

Animation is fine I guess, I am not really a fan of the art style, mostly of the character design, not really fond of these very long thin supposedly gorgeous figures. I don’t really know who likes that style, young horny homosexual boys or straight girls? It doesn’t offer much to the show, if anything it takes some away. There is a lot of cg imagery, backgrounds etc., don’t like that either but overall the atmosphere of the show is good and there are lot of patterns (victorian wallpapers, carpets etc) that would be impossible to animate without cgi. The setting historically appears to be plausible, the only thing that might tick you off right away is the skull ring that Sherlock is wearing, but, it’s not that unlikely. There is even a pocket watch in a british museum that is in the shape of a skull and it dates back to 1650s. All in all I.G. did not do the greatest job animating the show, but they got the feeling right at least.

Sound is fine, fitting for the show but nothing to write home about. Same with voice acting, pretty average with Sherlock and Watson maybe being slightly above average. The opening is nice for what its worth.

So, is it worth a watch? Yeah sure. Nothing terribly off-putting about it. You know what you want to get out of it, murder plotting, crime solving, cat and mouse games, all the good stuff. If you like the aforementioned then you’ll like the show. If you are not a fan of these type of things, then don’t watch it, it’s not good enough to satisfy someone who doesn’t get any enjoyment out of these things.

8/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
5/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
Archert's avatar
Apr 20, 2021

Una serie redonda que deja muy buenas sensaciones en su primera temporada.

Que puedo decir? Han cogido una de las obras literarias de misterio mas famosas de la historia y la han llevado al anime. Creo que han sabido plasmar esta obra literaria y las formas de como han contado las cosas han sido muy llevaderas y entretenidas. Lo que han conseguido en este anime esta realmente bien pero tambien he decir que cuando te basas en uno de los iconos populares mas famosos de todos los tiempos tienes medio camino hecho. 

Tecnicamente es practicamente sobresaliente (aun que me jode admitirlo). La animacion tiene ligeros fallos en numerosas escenas, dista de ser perfecta, pero por los general esta muy bien definidad y los fondos estan llenos de detalles. La banda sonora suena maravillosa en los momentos de mayor climax. A gusto personal tengo que decir que pese que el dibujo es bueno no me ha gutado, es fino y muy estilizado, se nota claramente que esta enfocado para un publico femenino y que su dibujante Tomori Miyoshi le da mucho al shojo.

Como última puntillita diré que los casos son interesantes y se resuelven de una manera logica muy agradable pero no terminan de ser sobresalientes sin dejarte ninguno con la boca abierta. En una obra que se inspirada en el mas grande "resuelve misterios" espero lo mejor de los misterios.

En resumen, es un muy buen anime y da un gran primer paso para convertirse en un anime de misterio digno de recordar. Si eres chica (#tomorimiyoshi) y te gusta el misterio este es tu anime.

La recomendaria? Si (a falta de su segunda temporada)

8.5/10 story
8.6/10 animation
9.1/10 sound
8.7/10 characters
8.8/10 overall
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WaggonBallZ's avatar
Dec 26, 2020

Honestly one of the best detective show ive ever watch. The plot is so great. Recommended

9/10 story
9.5/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 11, 2024

"Moriarty the Patriot" is a fascinating reimagining of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic universe, focusing on William James Moriarty, the arch-nemesis of Sherlock Holmes. Set in Victorian England, the series presents Moriarty as a charismatic anti-hero and a champion of the underclass, seeking to dismantle the corrupt nobility through meticulous planning and cold calculation. This anime blends historical elements with mystery and psychological intrigue, offering a fresh perspective on the classic Holmesian lore.

Strategic Minds at Work

  • Intriguing Protagonist: William James Moriarty is depicted with depth and complexity, challenging viewers' perceptions of morality and justice. His dual role as a mathematics professor and a mastermind behind societal upheaval adds layers to his character, making him a compelling figure to follow.
  • Engaging Plot Twists: The series excels in delivering clever plot twists and tightly woven narratives that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Each episode unfolds like a chess game, with Moriarty and Holmes engaging in a battle of wits that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally gripping.
  • Historical and Social Commentary: "Moriarty the Patriot" delves into the class disparities and social injustices of Victorian England, providing a backdrop that enriches the story's themes and character motivations. This setting not only serves as a stage for Moriarty's crusade but also invites viewers to reflect on timeless issues of inequality and justice.

Points of Contention

  • Pacing Variabilities: While the series generally maintains a compelling narrative pace, there are moments where the story may feel either rushed or slow, particularly when juggling multiple plotlines or delving into character backstories. This can sometimes disrupt the flow of the overarching narrative.
  • Character Development: While Moriarty and a few other key characters are well-developed, some viewers might find the supporting cast less fleshed out. The series' focus on Moriarty's machinations occasionally leaves little room for secondary characters to have their moments of growth or to showcase their complexities.

A New Take on a Classic Rivalry

  • Holmes and Moriarty Dynamic: One of the series' highlights is its portrayal of the relationship between Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes. This reinterpretation respects the essence of their rivalry while offering new insights into their mutual fascination and respect, adding depth to their iconic confrontations.
  • Stylish Presentation: The animation and art direction effectively capture the atmosphere of the period, with detailed settings and stylish character designs that bring the late 19th-century London to life. The series' visual style complements its dark themes and sophisticated storytelling.

"Moriarty the Patriot" is a compelling addition to the Sherlock Holmes canon, offering a unique perspective on one of literature's most famous antagonists. With its clever plotting, moral ambiguity, and social critique, the series invites viewers to ponder complex questions about justice and equality. While it navigates some challenges with pacing and character development, its strengths in storytelling, character dynamics, and thematic exploration make it a noteworthy watch for fans of mystery and historical drama.

7/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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nezukochaann's avatar
Nov 21, 2021

This anime is way too underrated! I watched this at the end of June/start of July and it's definitely one of the best animes I've ever watched. The story is based off of the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (the Sherlock Holmes books). It follows a young man named William James Moriarty and how he wants to change the class system in Britain, so everyone can have a fair chance in life. He does this by comitting various crimes and trying to keep Sherlock holmes off his path. I'd say the genres are psychological, action and potentially horror, so if you don't like any of these genres then it probably isn't for you. I think it's quite similar to Death Note in a few ways. I would seriously give this anime a 11/10 if I could and I 100% recommend it!

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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