Mardock Scramble: The First Compression - Reviews

notoriousj0e's avatar
Mar 10, 2017

Ever sit back and think, what am I doing with my life? That's what you will ask yourself after watching Mardock Scramble. The show has good animation. It has some cool matrix style action, but what anime doesn't? Not much else is offered in 58 minutes of this confusing, creepy tit-fest. Mardock Scramble has a strange fan base. Fans of the show say the plot is deep, the themes are mature, ooh philosophy. Talking about rape does not mean the anime is mature. It comes across as disturbing and doesn't really offer an intelligent discourse on the topic of human sexuality. The show feels icky. About 20- 30 minutes of screen time show underage animated nudity. The characters' Conversations about using and abusing one another could have drawn interesting parallels if it weren't for the atrocious writing and dialogue. 

Reviewers will say, "here is art". If this is art, I want no part in it. Some will say "this is philosophy". Mardock Scramble is not intelligent nor tonally appropriate enough  to teach the viewer anything substantial or worthwhile about human nature, existence or God. No, this is not philosophy. This is simply a trashy anime. Avoid Mardock Scramble. 

3/10 story
8/10 animation
6/10 sound
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 11, 2024

"Mardock Scramble: The First Compression" is the initial entry in the "Mardock Scramble" trilogy, a series known for its gritty cyberpunk setting and complex narrative. This anime film dives deep into the dark underbelly of a futuristic society, following the story of Rune Balot, a teenage prostitute who is murdered and subsequently revived with advanced cybernetic technology. Tasked with bringing her killer to justice, Balot's journey is one of self-discovery, empowerment, and revenge. The film blends intense action, psychological depth, and sci-fi elements to explore themes of identity, morality, and the value of life.

Glimmers in the Dark

  • Intricate World-Building: The cyberpunk setting of "Mardock Scramble: The First Compression" is richly detailed, immersing viewers in a world that is both technologically advanced and morally bankrupt. The dystopian society serves as a compelling backdrop for the narrative, enhancing the story's themes and character arcs.
  • Complex Protagonist: Rune Balot's character is a highlight of the film. Her transformation from victim to empowered individual is handled with nuance and depth, making her journey engaging and emotionally resonant.
  • Visually Striking: The animation quality is top-notch, with dynamic action sequences and detailed character designs that bring the cyberpunk world to life. The visual style complements the film's dark tone and complex themes, creating a memorable aesthetic experience.

Frayed Edges

  • Dense Narrative: The film's ambition to cover a lot of ground in terms of plot and world-building within a relatively short runtime can make the narrative feel rushed and dense. This may leave some viewers struggling to keep up with the intricacies of the story and its characters.
  • Heavy Themes: "Mardock Scramble: The First Compression" does not shy away from exploring dark and mature themes, including violence, exploitation, and the ethics of artificial life. While these elements add depth to the narrative, they can also make the film challenging to watch for those sensitive to such content.

A Cybernetic Odyssey

  • Philosophical Depth: Beyond its cyberpunk trappings, the film engages with philosophical questions about what it means to be human, the nature of justice, and the possibility of redemption. These themes are woven throughout the narrative, inviting viewers to ponder alongside the characters.
  • Narrative Ambition: The film sets the stage for the trilogy with its ambitious storytelling, introducing a complex world and a compelling cast of characters. This foundation promises more exploration and development in the subsequent entries, making "The First Compression" an intriguing starting point.

"Mardock Scramble: The First Compression" is a compelling foray into the cyberpunk genre, offering a dense and dark narrative enriched with complex characters and thought-provoking themes. While the film's ambitious scope and mature content may not be for everyone, its intricate world-building, psychological depth, and stunning visuals make it a noteworthy entry in the anime landscape. As the first chapter of a trilogy, it lays a solid foundation for the stories that follow, promising more exploration of its dystopian world and the characters fighting to find their place within it.

6/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Rbastid's avatar
Apr 15, 2016

Hmm I'll try to start with something uplifting and positive about this series……..well, immmm, at least the colors are bright and happy, at times.

Story - 5/10

The story itself is very original, people being brought back to life in order to catch those who killed them. In this case that person was a young prostitute killed by her john, a rich casino manager who has a penchant for such activities. But that quickly falls apart, as the show basically turns into a girls with guns type anime where our main character, Rune Balot, is trained to be a super killer in order to keep her safe from the assassins hired to kill her.

Animation - 7/10

I really enjoyed the way the series was animated. It felt older, like Lain or Boogie Pop Phantom, but with the cleanliness of HD to it. Where they also shined was their use of color overlays and highlights. The neon lights were often used in Anime to signify someone being "inside the internet" or the like, but Mardock put it to good use in the normal world.

There was a stark different between the backgrounds and inanimate objects, which were drawn in very intricate detail, and the characters themselves which were flat and very plain. But still it worked as they allowed the aforementioned overlays to produce the shadows and breaks in color.

The only fault I saw with the series was sometimes closeup movement was clunky and not well defined, as if they really weren't sure of depth of field and improperly moved elements forward without adjusting their dimensions.

Sound - 3/10

The music in the series was pedestrian and what you'd expect from your average psychological thriller anime. The best way to describe it would be erratic synth jazz. The little other music in the series consists of random piano playing with little harmony, just poking at random keys.

The voices were somewhat interesting, but again common fair for anime, with many being easily tied to other series we've all watched. The idea of Rune not being able to talk on her own added a nice little twist to the sound, but it didn't make or break the series.

Characters - 2/10

Pretty much every character has been seen time and time again in different anime or feature films.  Rune Balot is the damaged teen who falls into a life of prostitution. Shell, the rich man who gets away with what he wants. Dr. Easter, the eccentric scientist who tests the boundaries of science and law, nothing special here.

The sub characters are also weak versions of long used characters, with the entire assassins ring being somewhat superhero ripoffs with childish names.

Overall - 4/10

While the series seems to have a good premise, the first installment was pretty thin on details. A loose idea which at times seemed like just an excuse to create a graphic anime with crude and childish dialogue. While only OVA one of three, it wasn't a strong start.

5/10 story
7/10 animation
3/10 sound
2/10 characters
4/10 overall
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SEGHE's avatar
Sep 19, 2023

Title: Mardock Scramble: The First Compression - A Cyberpunk Thriller

Story (8/10): "Mardock Scramble: The First Compression" kicks off this thrilling cyberpunk saga with a compelling and mysterious narrative. The story delves into themes of identity, revenge, and the consequences of advanced technology on society. While the plot can be complex and may leave some questions unanswered, it sets the stage for the sequels to explore these themes further. The dark and gritty atmosphere adds to the intrigue, making you eager to uncover the secrets of this dystopian world.

Animation (8/10): The animation in "Mardock Scramble" is visually striking, with meticulous attention to detail in both character design and the depiction of the futuristic city. The action sequences are well-animated and adrenaline-pumping, effectively conveying the tension and danger that permeate the story. The cybernetic enhancements and technological aspects are visually captivating and enhance the overall experience.

Sound (7/10): The soundtrack of "Mardock Scramble" complements the cyberpunk atmosphere with its electronic and industrial-inspired music. While it sets the tone effectively, it may not be as memorable as some other soundtracks in the genre. Voice acting is solid, with characters' emotions and motivations coming through convincingly.

Characters (8/10): The characters in "Mardock Scramble" are complex and multifaceted, each with their own motivations and secrets. The protagonist, Rune Balot, undergoes significant character development throughout the film as she grapples with her past and her newfound powers. Dr. Easter, her enigmatic benefactor, adds an air of mystery to the story. The antagonist, Boiled, is a formidable and enigmatic presence, making for a compelling adversary.

Overall (7/10): "Mardock Scramble: The First Compression" serves as an intriguing introduction to a cyberpunk world filled with dark secrets and morally ambiguous characters. The film's engaging story, stunning animation, and complex characters make it a strong start to the trilogy. While some viewers may find the plot dense and cryptic at times, it sets the stage for deeper exploration in the subsequent films. If you enjoy cyberpunk themes and mysteries that unfold gradually, "Mardock Scramble" is a must-watch series in the genre.

8/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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