Log Horizon - Reviews

Jul 14, 2016

My anime reviews are always simple, short and straight-forward and is 100% spoilers-free.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Game, Magic, Shounen

Additional Info: SAO fan and a gamer? Then go for this.

Ending Rating: 90% (2nd Season)

Short Review:

Log Horizon is similar to SAO. The mixture of adventure, action, comedy are really surreal in here. You'll find your jaws in the basement of your apartment after seeing how smart and compose the protagonist is. This anime is capable of developing meganephobia on oneself, the fear for eyeglasses, you've been warned.

9.5/10 story
9.5/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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ilubsanime's avatar
Feb 18, 2014

First off I am extremely biased for this review and my score affects it. I have played almost every MMO in existence.

With that being said, this anime is amazing. I never thought an anime about an MMO would be any good... I mean who would want to watch what I could just play........  Well SAO proved me wrong (the first half of the show) and it led me to watch this show. There are also a lot of unexpected twists...

I can tell this series is going to go on for a long time and I can forsee a really good story from it too. It reminds me a lot of fullmetal alchemist in the sense where the story is ongoing, but it actually isn't just going in circles. It actually slowly progresses..

If you ever were a fan of any type of MMO, RPG, or something along the lines of that you have got to check this show out. It's getting a 10 in my book.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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saladsenpai's avatar
Aug 2, 2018

this anime made my week I had so much fun watching this. I love the characters and the story and you should to this is a great watch if you like rpg's and anime . Than log horizon is the anime to watch. It is now one of my favorite anime's. I LOVED IT

9/10 story
9.5/10 animation
7.5/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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myopinion's avatar
Aug 1, 2020

Honestly it was good. However, some of the characters i loved, but some of the other characters i really hated because they were a bit boring, like the princess.

It started off quite interesting like SAO. How they were trapped inside a game but it grew boring towards the end. I would have rather more battles like a final epic one. Overall on the fighting scenes, they were not too exciting.

The final episode (in my opinion) is quite boring and i just lost track throughout the episode. It had some funny moments but some other moments were boring and cringey. 

The whole story is quite slow so it's easy to loose track and get bored in some episodes.

The intro sone and outro song are annoying as hell though. 

7/10 story
9.5/10 animation
5/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Keristero's avatar
Apr 4, 2017

As I watched this show my counteraction was rising, I thought I was ready for the punch line, I thought it's gimmiks were useless, but check this out.

After I logged in all of my dammed ones were were not compromised, The noise came and I was ready to bow, but even with the antidote jam, I was hypnotized. I tried to tear the lie that covered me into peices, but It turns out I'm a real sucker now.

Such are the struggles of living in the database.
The ficitonious wall is currently cracking inside of my head, It seems like the addiciton is spreading throughout the world.

Everyone says "Wow Wow Wow Wow, It does not even matter that there is no hope!" The insanity of the system intensifies further still...

7/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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