Knight's & Magic - Reviews

707hairline's avatar
Jun 26, 2022

This is my personal opinion but i really do love mechs and anything to do with them, so I really enjoyed the anime and seeing the character development, There was no weird sences or anything that gave me a weird vibe for the show, The animation and sound are pretty good. I liked the characters as well so I would recommend to any mecha lovers or such :)

9/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.6/10 overall
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DarkenerPlays's avatar
Dec 22, 2020

The anime knights & magic is a wonderful anime indeed but it will be more wonderful with a season 2

10/10 story
10/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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Whatif's avatar
Feb 15, 2020

Warning, I do not consider anything I am going to say a spoiler, since I do not say the specifics, but some might call what I am going to say a spoiler. You have been warned.

I am going to keep this short. The anime starts off very good with the protag not being the normal bland person and him having his own dreams. The problem is after he completes his dream of making his "partner", the story does become significantly less enjoyable. He continues to have dreams and wants to improve on what there already is, but at least to me, it did not seem to be as enjoyable. The early episodes I would recommend to anyone that likes seeing tech being developed and tested. The later episodes I would recommend to those that like watching battles between inventors. 

6/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
7.8/10 overall
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Pie31416's avatar
Mar 18, 2021

Swords, magic, medieval era, giant robots, and giant monsters. What more could a man ask for. While the show is interesting and entertaining, the narration is cringe af and totally unnecessary.

8/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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earrrie's avatar
May 20, 2021

"Wow, this must be an amazing anime, I'm going to not give any shits and watch it either way even though the first review says it's cringe. I mean how bad can it be?" which was me before I started watching this anime.

I'm sorry to those who actually like this show because I am going to trash talk it right now.

Although I haven't even finished the first episode, I just want to say that this show is cringe as fuck. I have a lot of things to talk shit about in this anime.

This is solely my opinion, so there better not be fucking comments saying that I'm a degenerate or something. Oh yeah, if there's going to be one fucking comment insulting me or calling me a low life or something, and if I go on their profile to find that they like some fucking annoying ass character. I'm going to talk to myself while saying, " Oh wow, of course, this type of person likes ___." 

Below are spoilers.






First of all, it's so cringe. Everything is going the protagonist's way. Like shit, he's practically the male equivalent of a Mary Sue.

Like oh my god, not only is he a male Mary Sue, he has absolutely 0. ZERO fricking personality, actually no. His personality is so fucking bland that I have to swear to show how BLAND, and TASTELESS his personality is. His whole personality is a know-it-all. And I hate those kinds of people. Also, not only is his personality is shit, he's so fucking OBNOXIOUS, you don't suddenly yell out in class. "OMG THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SILHOUETTE KNIGHTS. WOWEE" 

This just shows how disgusting and rude he is. Also, he wasn't enraged by the deaths of comrades, but because their bodysuits WERE DESTROYED by something that wasn't a fucking robot. I never read the novel so I don't know what happened during the fight. But even if they were bitches to you, THEY'RE STILL DEATHS. SOMEBODY DIED, and you're over here complaining about the destruction of fucking robot suits. Bizarre my ass, he's just fucking SCUM and cold-blooded. Like even that's going too fucking far for me who doesn't give a shit about other people since I'm a selfish bitch. He's actual TRASH. Whoever wrote on the wiki about his personality needs to drop their fucking obsession with him, or whatever that's making them turn a blind eye on his acts, LIKE FUCK. Now I am certain that the anime didn't make his personality trash, the fucking author did.

If I could put a negative for story, characters, and overall. I FUCKING WOULD.

1/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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