Just Because! - Reviews

krofire's avatar
Feb 24, 2023

Studio Pine Jam’s 2017 High School romantic drama is a low-key affair dominated by scenes of moody teenagers going through the whole coming-of-age thing. Student Eita Izumi has always fancied Mio Natsume but she always had a crush on his best friend Haruto Souma who, in turn, is pursuing a girl called Hazuki Morikawa. And that is it. That’s the story right there. Other characters come and go such as Ena Komiya who freely confesses her love to Izumi despite knowing it is hopeless. Twelve episodes of introspection and the sort of maturity you simply can never expect from a real bunch of seventeen-year-olds. The whole show is set against the background of Japanese University entrance exams and the next steps for the protagonists as they graduate from High School. The plot twist where the lead girl and boy study for exams in the other’s preferred University is familiar. We saw it before in CoMix Wave Films’ “Flavors of Youth” (2018). Thankfully that story idea works out slightly better for the characters in “Just Because!” although the audience is kept guessing right until the dying embers of the show to see how it works out.

Interestingly enough the story was written by Hajime Kamoshida who also brought us “Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai” and “The Pet Girl of Sakurasou” so this represents a considerable change in pace from those shows. The colour palette of the anime is grey and brown as if to reflect the downbeat nature of the story. The characters are largely lacking colour too as they have little backstory of consequence. Character design offers litle to distinguish the school students from each other and often the animation is darn-right ugly. It is not the intent of this anime to entertain you in any happy light-heartened sense. Nor does it provoke any intense emotion in the audience. You just wish they would get on with it. The only genuinely touching moment is Komiya bursting into tears at the end as the loses hope of every making Izumi her’s. It is fair to say that you do start to care for the small cast and their entanglements. But the pacing is very slow to the point of being boring to watch. Occasionally touching but mostly unengaging. We’ve seen better. A drab experience all round.

7/10 story
6/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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idkwhattoname123's avatar
Jan 28, 2023

finished 4:51 am in the morning ok where to start i normally don't like romance animes they remined me of how lonely i am but when my friend asked me to watch this anime at 12 am i said i rather not be he convinced me at first it didn't look like anything special but as eps went on i found myself crying at 4 am writing this back to the anime my name is ada ik its not spelled like the mc eita but in the dub version sometimes they pronounce it  at first i didnt like the mc and most characters i thought were weird souma seemed like the dumb jock eita the kid in the back of the class who might shoot up a school of u bully him natsume the mean/popular girl morikawa the shy girl and the pervert komiya  who was taking pictures of ppl who out asking, komiya  ended up being my favourite character and i cried a few times bc i really shipped komiya and eita ofc for plot amour i knew the he would end up with natsume i cried alot for soma he seemed like a really good person who liked a girl who rejected him twice i felt bad for him but it seems they got a happy ending morikawa also became a more likeable person, i kid u not at the end where eita tells komiya  he doesnt like her and she cries her poor eyes it killed me then it cuts to him already in college i punch a hole in the hole and screamed at 4 am "NOOOOO HE DIDNT TELL NATSUME THAT HE LOVED HER HE BROKE KOMIYA  HEART AND NOW HIS NOT GONNA SAY THOSES 3 WORDS" after i came back to sit down i saw the credits playing and them in the future i had relief that surely now he will say it and we got a i like you. no kiss still i got the warm feeling in my heart. imo this was a really good romance anime i would give it a 9/10 the only reason why its not a 10/10 is bc komiya dogged she deserved better ♥️🥰

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
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errormistakes's avatar
Dec 23, 2021

i thought it was boring in the beginning. but it was a good story would i watch this again probably not. i didn’t really care for how it ended. was it cute yes was i rooting for the other girl yes. i don’t think i would recommend this to anyone unless this is the type of stories they liked. i wanted to cry with that girl in the end.

7/10 story
6/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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SomeGuyAround's avatar
Sep 10, 2021

Along with Tsuki Ga Kirei and maybe the Bunny Girl Senpai movie the best romantic animes I've seen. The fact that it involves actual bad moments for the protagonists and isn't just all goofing around makes it different to the usual ROMCOMs. Totally recommended to watch mostly if you are into a good drama.

Also Komiya is overrated.

10/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
10/10 overall
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SEGHE's avatar
Sep 18, 2023

Title: Just Because! - A Slice of Life Anime with Relatable Moments

Story (7/10): "Just Because!" is a slice of life anime that revolves around the lives of high school students during their final semester. The story focuses on their friendships, romantic interests, and the challenges they face as they approach a new chapter in their lives. While the narrative may appear simple, it effectively captures the nuances of adolescent emotions, transitions, and the uncertainty of the future. The pacing is deliberate, allowing for character development and meaningful interactions. However, some viewers might find the lack of a central plot less engaging. Comparing it to the manga/novel reveals that the anime adaptation retains the essence of the source material.

Animation (6/10): The animation quality in "Just Because!" is serviceable but not a standout feature. Character designs are standard for a high school setting, and the backgrounds are detailed enough to set the stage. While it doesn't boast breathtaking visuals, it effectively conveys the everyday atmosphere of the story.

Sound (7/10): The sound design in the anime complements the slice of life genre well. The soundtrack features soothing and reflective tunes that enhance the emotional moments. Voice acting is fitting, with characters' voices aligning with their personalities. Sound effects are used effectively to create a realistic ambiance. While it may not have standout tracks, the overall sound experience contributes to the series' atmosphere.

Characters (7/10): The characters in "Just Because!" are the heart of the series. They feel like genuine high school students with relatable struggles and aspirations. The anime takes its time to explore their individual journeys, creating a sense of connection with the audience. Character development is a strong suit, and viewers can witness how each character evolves during their final semester. The manga/novel adaptation adds depth to character relationships and motivations, offering a richer experience.

Overall (6/10): "Just Because!" is a slice of life anime that successfully captures the bittersweet emotions of high school students approaching graduation. While it may lack a central plot and feature standard animation, its relatable characters and authentic portrayal of adolescence make it an enjoyable watch. Exploring the manga/novel adaptation can provide additional insights into character relationships and backgrounds. My overall score for the anime is 6/10, reflecting its effectiveness in delivering a slice of life experience, even though it may not stand out in terms of animation or storytelling complexity.

7/10 story
6/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
6/10 overall
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