Junjou Romantica 2 - Reviews

PoeticHorrorShow5287's avatar
Sep 6, 2014

Now that's what I'm talking about...I had a difficult time with part one of this show because it was all a bit superficial and you didn't really get to know the characters like I hoped, but that all changed here. We got way more in depth into their backgrounds and the main story arc was just lovely. All in all, I can't wait for season 3.

Story: Like I said, we got to go farther in depth to each character's line and some were just amazing. I was in tears in the last Shinobu/Miyagi episode and their character growth was much improved. Hiroki and Nowaki had some good episodes in this series as well, but the stand out was Misaki and Usagi. I adore Usagi....he is an amazing character. Their storyline was hilarious. I loved all of the meetings with Usagi famiy members and the development of care coming from Misaki...it made the show and I'm glad the focus was on their storyline.

Animation: The character design is gorgeous. The Uke and Seme characters are distinct and a visual treat to look at. The lighting and background design is fun and intricate and when the characters are upset or angry, the animation shows that and its hilarious.

Sound: The voice acting is so very good. All of the cast is commited and you can feel it when they communicate with each other that they care. I like the music in this one and the OST is okay, but the standout is the first opening theme. I loved it.

Characters: As I stated before, I really enjoyed the character growth over the course of this season. It was my major complaint in season one that we didn't get to know them enough for one season. This season, we did. They were all 3 dimentional characters and each had a personality. Even the secondary characters were pretty fledged out and gave you some insight into the way they are.

Overall: Loved it, but I'm stilll bias toward Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi. I can't wait for season 3 of this though and I look forward to spending more time with these characters.

8/10. Watched Subbed.

7/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
MysteriousArtist's avatar
Feb 21, 2022

This anime is pretty good! theres only one thing i'd like to change about it. The first half the first season was not good, they shouldn't make usagi sexual assult misaki well i wouldn't call sexual assult but they should of made misaki have feelings for usagi at first site. Also, they shouldn't put other couples in the anime when it's suppose to about Misaki and Usagi. But overall the anime is great! i recommed Junjo romantica if your into Yaoi. 

6.5/10 story
9/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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