Iczer Reborn - Reviews

Alt titles: Bouken! Iczer 3, Iczer 3

bunda6662's avatar
Apr 25, 2023

The sequel to Iczer-1. This ova is a few steps down in everything. The story is basically the same, barely keeping the viewer engaged. The animation is much, much worse when compared to the original, but it is what you would expect from a 90's ova. That being said it is still eons better than anything today. As for the music, while it was vibrant and present in the first, in this it was mostly forgotten and you don't hear anything special. The characters are again not likeable in the least and actually a little more dislikeable than before. All in all, since you watched the first one, this one is a must, but that is the only reason.

4/10 story
6.5/10 animation
4.5/10 sound
4/10 characters
5.5/10 overall
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