Himote House - Reviews

Alt title: HIMOTE HOUSE: A share house of super psychic girls

kathmom's avatar
Apr 16, 2019

I actually enjoyed this anime, but I can tell that it really depends on what you expect from it.
Himote House is a full CG, voice actresses talking about random topics comedy anime with no over-arching plot.

We are introduced to the 5-character cast, who also happen to have special powers. Those powers are never mentionned again ouside of a few scenes in the first 3 episodes. The meat of the anime is the comedy derived from the characters pretending, or actually doing silly stuff (and everyone laughs whole-heartedly).

It really feels like some voice actresses were put on a set and given a theme, and then hilarity ensues. It might be similar to some VTuber videos. So the animation really is only there to show their body language, as there is no action happening.

I can't remember the music, that probably means that either there wasn't any, or the music fitted the scenes, which is good for a comedy anime that doesn't rely on exagerration. The opening song is really catchy though.

The characters are maybe generic and cliche (which is, in my opinion, normal), but the voice-acting really brings them to life.

I'd recommend this anime if you're going in knowing that there is no plot, that it isn't word-play, gag, situational or anything comedy. Just silly ideas that are shared between voice actresses characters. I like it because it's just a fun, goofy conversation between friends.

Note about the rating: I conder 5 to be "ok", as in "this anime was ok, nothing exceptional, nothing bad. I feel nothing about it". So I guess I'm rating this one 6 for "It's nice fun, but nothing notable really"

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
Oswallt's avatar
Feb 28, 2022

This one is pretty hit or miss.  It's mostly just the voice actors doing ad lib with what I'm pretty sure is VTuber motion capture for the animation.  There are a few skits that turned out really well, but there are also whole episodes that are painful to watch.  I'd say if a VTuber anime sounds interesting to you, then this could be worth it; they're only 12 minute episodes.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
4/10 overall