High-Rise Invasion - Reviews

Alt title: Tenkuu Shinpan

CaruKawai's avatar
Apr 13, 2021

A little bit disappointed. The show promised a lot but didn’t deliver. I think the plot is interesting, but the characters are one dimensional. There is also way too much fan service. I liked the fact that there are a lot of woman protagonists BUT they are constantly sexualized. I enjoyed the fighting scenes.

6/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
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AGshadowstar's avatar
Mar 3, 2021

As someone who is addicted to the manga and finished it, it felt really awesome to see it all animated. And the animation didnt disappoint me, it was smooth and the art was on point. The anime adaptation also gave old(er) anime vibes. The voicing matched the characters and their personalities. I'd say the anime adaptaion was very well done. It gave me the exact feel I imagined when reading the manga.

Some characters are also written quite well. In my opinion, their design is what makes this anime (and the manga) most worth watching (reading). Each character, even the masks who doesnt have big involvements in the story has unique designs. Personalities of the main characters are very well shown in their actions, emotions and voice. Even if some characters are masked most of the time, their personality is still clearly outlined. That's why I really disliked the fact that they removed certain characters to shorten the anime.

However, as much as I am a fan of the manga, I have to agree that the story is quite badly written. There are many pacing problems, plot holes, and sudden growth in certain characters or relationships. And being a short anime is not an excuse either, because pacing problems has been a problem widely discussed in the manga too. In terms of story and character development, compared to other anime with a despair-based and gorey anime like Danganronpa and Attack on Titan, high-rise did a pretty bad job .

Overall, high-rise invasion is a well done anime. Most problems it has are there since the manga. I would encourage people with not a lot of time to watch it.

5/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
8/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
Archert's avatar
Jul 17, 2021

Luces y sombras, nada presumible.

La serie tiene cositas. El argumento de la serie es entretenido con destellos de originalidad y su trama hace que sea entretenida de ver pero hay cosas que cogean, mucho cliché y su final es exageradamente abierto. El grupo de personajes es variopinto y encajan bien pero siento que alguno de ellos no se "ubican", como es el caso de la protagonista, sus cambios emocionales constantes y despreocupacion por la situación hacen que no me crea el contexto de la trama.

La serie tiene potencial pero creo que enfocan mal como los personajes afrontan la realidad que ahora viven. Tambien dejan numerosos cabos sin explicar. 

En resumen, te salva una tarde pero no sera un anime que recuerdes.

La recomendaria? No.

8.2/10 story
7.7/10 animation
8.2/10 sound
6.9/10 characters
7.8/10 overall
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Sekoiya's avatar
Apr 12, 2021

I really wanted to like this after seeing it be hyped up all over social media. In the first episode I hated it. I tried one more time, and it's still trash. It's an interesting concept but was produced horribly. The characters don't seem to have any emotion and the MC adapts to the situation so quickly, it feels heartless. And the bright colors and sparkly eyes make it seem like it should be a comedy. Not to mention the sound track and sound effects are trash too. I'm very disappointed.

2/10 story
5/10 animation
3/10 sound
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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AmaiSimpai's avatar
Apr 17, 2023

It is such a good show but the fan service was so unnecessary abd ruined the series.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
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