Heidi - Reviews

Alt title: Alps no Shoujo Heidi

DinoGaro's avatar
Mar 1, 2021

Review en Español sin spoilers.

Cuando vi este anime era bastante joven. Mi padre se lo regalo a mi madre ya que ella se lo veia de pequeña, pero al final yo fui el que termino viendola. El anime es bastante bonito tanto visualmente como en historia. Nos narra las aventuras de Heidi, quien despues de quedar huerfana queda al cuidado de su abuelo. Su abuelo es conocido en la aldea cercana como un viejo gruñon, una terrible persona y como alguien con el cual no quisieras toparte ni en sueños. Poco a poco Heidi va abriendo el corazon no solo de su abuelo, si no que de todos quienes la rodean. Muchas cosas pasaran en la vida de Heidi. Muchas alegrias y risas, pero tambien lagrimas y despedidas, pero su buena actitud tan preocupada por los demas la ayudara a seguir adelante con todo. Por el apartado tecnico tampoco es que se le pueda exigir demaciado a un anime de su epoca, ya que por esos tiempos el anime todavia estaba dando sus primeros pasos, al igual que algunos que serian reconocidos como grandes de la industria (por ejemplo Hayao Miyasaki). Bueno, espero que esta pequeña reseña te sirva para decidir si ver o no este anime. Es bastante infantil, pero crudo cuando quiere serlo. Recomendado.

8/10 story
6/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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ymom's avatar
Feb 9, 2021

This is a short and non-spoiler review


The story follows a loveable little girl who lives up in the alps of Switzerland with her grandpa. The anime doesn't really have a overall plot until close to the end of the series. So if you like a anime which you can skip around a bit or watch a bit slower then it's perfect for you :) I personally like anime that I can binge watch but every once in awhile I sit down with my mom and watch it for a few weeks. The story is also great for families and young kids.


The animation is a older but it doesn't take away from the anime at all. The style looks different from anime nowadays but the slower animation adds to the charm.


I personally watched the German version of the show, and let me tell you the theme song slaps every time. The only reason I didn't rate it a 10/10 is because I don't really remember what other music, if any, was in the show. 


The characters were all very likable. Heidi was a believeable kid, but that also means that she could be a little annoying to people who don't like kids. My favorite character was by far the Grandpa.


Overall, this is a great anime to sit down and watch together with your family. It is a very wholesome show and it also teaches a few life lessons

8/10 story
7/10 animation
10/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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