Happy-Go-Lucky Days - Reviews

Alt title: Dounika Naru Hibi

finlvr's avatar
Jul 6, 2022

for starters, I think I am able to speak on this matter as a gay guy who is well-educated on the correct rep. for the LGBT community. I know that someone else said that it's only good because LGBT representation is essential and here are my two cents on that: It doesn't matter if it's representing LGBT characters or not, it only matters if that representation is good. The representation in this film was one of the worst I've seen.

The first lesbian couple is fine but way too sexual like unrealistically sexual and all they do is talk shit about some other girl the whole time. The second story features two gay men, but one's a pedophile so it just depicts gay men as pedophiles, like we haven't seen that a million times already. The only thing I'll give this story is that the adult and the teenager never got together or did anything. However, the last story is horrendous. An adult woman makes her little cousin (he's in 5th grade) watch a porn video of herself and then encourages the little boy to do sexual things with his best friend. The best friend is also weirdly sexual and flashes the little boy unexpectedly???? the last story is just a huge mess and so is the entire plot of this film. I think the idea was to depict sexuality in uncomfortable ways but the cover and title throw me off. Don't be deceived, this film is sh!t. Points for art, animation, and the lesbians.

1/10 story
5/10 animation
6/10 sound
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
Vipsmilej's avatar
Jan 18, 2022

It honestly wasn't that bad everyone is kinda dragging it.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
krofire's avatar
Mar 8, 2023

Liden Films Kyoto Studio 2020 adaptation to the quirky manga by Takako Shimura seems to have won few friends and is certainly an acquired taste. This is unfortunate as it is quite beautiful. The original manga dates back twenty years and the anime offers a taste of its eccentric slice-of-life style. You get three stories (actually broken down into four chapters) that have no specific relationship to each other nor do they really bolt together with any common theme. At a push you could say they relate to school life, romance and sex. The first tale is a quasi-erotic story of two young women becoming lovers after meeting at a friend’s wedding. Like all these stories the structure is unorthodox with no easily identifiable section representing beginning-middle-end. The stories just finish when the author got bored of them which seems long before any specific conclusion is reached. The second short story here features a young male gay teacher working at a boy’s school coming to terms with how he feels romantically about his students. The third (and longest) tale is a coming-of-age drama for a middle-schooler forced to share a room with his super-weird cousin. If you like your stories to possess a conventional structure and plot then you will be disappointed. These tales are simple take-it-or-leave-it vignettes. They are snapshots of people coming to terms with a certain understanding of their lives and the loves they share with the people around them. You are not watching these stories in order to see what happens. Nothing really happens but this isn’t the point. They are like mood-music to feel good to. The result is extremely pleasing even if character design is not always aesthetically appealing. There is a warmth to the story-telling that results in the audience experiencing the main characters’ point-of-view. The result feels intimate and special. If this is your thing then you will love it yet many in the typical anime audience may feel let down by its slow pace and puzzling denouement. If you get it you will adore it.

10/10 story
8/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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KodaAnime's avatar
Sep 18, 2020

Whats this a story where they have actual good lgbt representation even though the other storys were meh i would give it a 7/10 bc the other 3 i cant give ratings for but honestly it was so good but a bit hard to rate bc not only did the first story have good rep but the plot line was original while the other stories you've seen the plot line so many times besides the whole sex tape thing which is something i dont see often but the last one I would've been ok with if they just didn't make the dude fall in love with his cousin like if they would've made her an older friend then I would've been ok with the love triangle but yeah the first one was amazing so 7 out of 10.

7/10 story
10/10 animation
9/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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