Haikyuu!! vs. "Akaten" - Reviews

Alt title: Haikyuu!! Jump Festa 2015 Special

redoverthebed's avatar
Apr 25, 2021

(A review to fill the void of no reviews):
OVA's not based on missing manga chapters usually fill me with dread... but this one was a very reasonable attempt.

If you like the comedic parts of Hiakyuu you'll enjoy it. If you prefer the sport side and are filled with annoyance when the plot doesn't have any volleyball in, then you might find it a bit lacklustre.

Key points:
+ it made me laugh
+ good slice-of-life vibes
+ few good character moments
- it's a filler episode (good for an OVA, but you might disagree)
- no sports (it's just a school/exam prep episode)

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 10, 2024

The "Haikyuu!! Jump Festa 2015 Special," also known as "Haikyuu!! vs. 'Akaten'," is an OVA that was released as part of the Jump Festa anime tour. This special episode stands out for its unique storyline that diverges from the main competitive arc of the series, focusing instead on character interactions, training, and team-building exercises. The OVA offers fans a glimpse into the daily lives and personalities of the Karasuno team members in a more relaxed setting, diverging from the high-stakes matches that define much of "Haikyuu!!".

Exploring Team Karasuno Beyond the Court

  • Character Insight and Development: This special provides valuable insight into the characters' personalities outside the intense atmosphere of official matches. It's an opportunity to explore the dynamics within Karasuno High School's volleyball team, highlighting individual quirks, friendships, and the camaraderie that makes the team cohesive.

  • Humor and Light-heartedness: Characterized by its humorous and light-hearted tone, the Jump Festa 2015 Special showcases the series' ability to balance tension and relaxation. The comedic elements play a significant role, offering a refreshing break from the series' usual competitive drama.

Opportunities and Limitations

  • Pacing and Content Focus: Given its status as an OVA and its limited runtime, "Haikyuu!! vs. 'Akaten'" may face challenges in pacing and narrative depth. The focus on lighter, non-competitive aspects might leave viewers wanting more in terms of character development or volleyball action, which could contribute to a rating of 6/10.

  • Fan Engagement and Expectations: While the special episode provides a unique perspective on the team, it might not fully meet the expectations of fans looking for the adrenaline-pumping volleyball action that "Haikyuu!!" is known for. The deviation from high-stakes competition to focus on training and team bonding could impact viewer satisfaction, depending on individual preferences for storyline and character engagement.

Complementary Content

  • Enhanced Fan Experience: For dedicated fans of "Haikyuu!!", the Jump Festa 2015 Special offers additional content that enriches the overall experience of the series. It serves as complementary viewing that deepens the audience's connection to the characters and their journey, despite its departure from the main narrative arc.

  • Animation and Visuals: Consistent with the quality of the main series, the OVA maintains high standards in animation and visual presentation. The character expressions and comedic timing are well-executed, contributing to the episode's appeal.


The "Haikyuu!! Jump Festa 2015 Special" ("Haikyuu!! vs. 'Akaten'") is a delightful addition to the "Haikyuu!!" universe, offering fans a chance to see their favorite characters in a different light. While it may diverge from the core themes of competition and personal growth found in the main series, this special episode provides a fun and insightful look into the team dynamics and friendships within Karasuno High. Its niche appeal or the desire for more content closely tied to the series' primary competitive storyline, yet it remains a valuable watch for those looking to enjoy all facets of the "Haikyuu!!" experience.

6/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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ToeBeans405's avatar
Mar 10, 2022

5 to 10% of this OVA is repeat footage, but the rest is new additional context. If you don't watch it you're not missing out on anything, it's pretty clearly just filler.

Some comedic moments, some good character moments, almost no volleyball. If you're desperate for more Haikyuu content definitely give it a watch, but for me it was just okay.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
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