Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai! - Custom lists

  • Angel's Egg
  • Anemone
  • A Child's Metaphysics
  • 1001 Nights
  • 20min Walk From Nishi-Ogikubo Station

Art house and artful anime by Celeriac

Anime that emphasizes and favors audiovisual aesthetics, artful scenes and experimental styles or formats or ideas over conventional narration and exposition. Or what the uninitiated call weird and artsy shit. But we know better...

  • Akai Hayate
  • Agent AiKa
  • 801 T.T.S. Airbats
  • 3x3 Eyes
  • 3x3 Eyes: Seima Densetsu

Long Episode Anime by chii

Anime that have 30+ minute episodes 3+ episodes (3 movie series at the end that I feel belong on this list)