Garo: Crimson Moon - Reviews

Alt title: Garo: Guren no Tsuki

scurvy135's avatar
Apr 11, 2024

Since there are no reviews, I'll add something. This is a review of only the first episode, so please understand that this isn't a fair review. 

This appears to be a sequel of the original Garo animation, but with all new characters, an unknown time skip, and somehow they changed continents. Everything is now Feudal Japan themed (which is fine, but unexplained). 

You are dropped in the middle of a story that, frankly, isn't all that interesting. I don't feel the need to watch more, especially after how there's no explanation for how the new Garo unlocks the ring. There's just no wieght behind the actions, which is probably because it's only the first episode, but I still feel like there's no reason to keep watching. Even the "big bad" guy who revealed himself at the end was just, meh. "Grr, I am the night, I am darkness." It's not even laughable. I didn't particularly enjoy the original Garo, so I will most likely give this a pass. 

That being said! If you enjoyed the first Garo, you will most likely enjoy this one too. Though, this one appears to be more geared towards children, sadly. 

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
5/10 overall
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